I actually have pulled down spending for some months to gain new heroes. I simply don’t have ascension material.
So it is important to consider what to level or not.
On the bench (only darks 5 stars);
Dr. Moreau
Guardian Panther
Similar in other colors. I don’t think I am alone in this situation. So less than 10$/month since a while back because lack of material to ascend.
I like G. Panther but I believe I have to be happy enough with Sergei.
Panther. In terms of special skill, she also does damage, dispell, and her elemental defence down lasts one turn longer. Her fighter class is also better for raids.
I’d love a Sergei but since I’ve Panther, I don’t feel I’ve to “chase” him.
Ofc he is a 4*, and Panther is 5* (requires a lot more mats, as you’d already know). I don’t see how anyone would regret levelling up Panther. It’s just a matter of levelling priority IMO.
Based on my dark list above, of heroes sitting on bench waiting for material to be leveled. Which hero would you prioritize?
Having a “light” Panther almost with full emblems make Panther a bit too much right now?
I’d probably prioritise Panther. I don’t have experience with Panther at 3.70, however she would be quite squishy.
Thus, she probably needs the mats more than everyone else on your levelling bench. I’d max a second Panther if I could (I have a lot more mats than worthwhile heroes).