Advice Purple Team for Yellow Titans - 2 Sergei or not 2 Sergei....that is the question!

I’m looking to improve my scores on Yellow Titans. My current Purple Hero team is not so great on Titans.

Currently Using

Miki - Increased Attack
Tibertus - Defense Down
Khonshu (limit broken) - High Tile Damage (903)
Kageburado - because he’s purple…lol
Sabina - so I don’t die as quick

I recently powered up Sergei so I added him to the team and removed Kageburado

I have another Sergei and I also have Cheshire Cat (Elemental Down) both which are currently at 1/1

Do I add another Sergei or do I work on building up Cheshire Cat next ?

Any thoughts on having two powered up Sergei’s - I could use one Sergei for Defense Down and the other for its + Attack

Does anyone know whether or not 2 Sergei’s would stack their Attacks (to a max of 160%)?

Really hoping on getting Costume Rigard some day.

The rest of my purples are not really helpful on Titans but if anyone has any other suggestion I would be happy to hear them.


Since you already have miki, just need 1 Sergei for Elemental Defense Down. The ideal titan team shall be: Normal defense down, Elemental Defense down, Attack buff, tile damage and healer. Good luck!!

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2 Sergeis don’t stack.

The advantage of using them both would be to have the attack buff and the EDD in a mono team. I only have 1, but I use him as tile damage booster along with Panther for EDD, which is a great combination.

I didn’t do the math, but if you use mana pots to charge Miki, I imagine the extra 30% attack outweigh the benefits of using mono purple. If you don’t, Sergei is a better option because he’ll charge with the same tiles as your other heroes and the tile damage from mono will be higher most of the time.

Another prolem with Sergei shall be his mana speed. You need to use 2 big mana pot to activate his 2nd level skill (damage booster). For above case, Miki still good for 4-1 formation.

+1 to all the above. Miki, Sergei, Cheshire Cat together will all combo anyway.

Two Sergeis should in theory stack to the max of 160%, but so would Sergei + Miki. you can focus on keeping Sergei charged for the EDD and use Miki for the normal attack boost.

I do 4-1 for yellow titans.

Miki | Sergei | C Victor | Ursena | Purple with highest attack (whoever that may be)

One more option: i use Treevil for Defense Down, Atk down and mana control on titan, it work perfectly with my team (no Miki): Xnophold, Sergei, Cus Rigard, Treevil and Ursena. Easily get until above 50k damage on 11 or 12 star titan.

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Cat does normal defense down to holy enemies. He would be an upgrade over Tibs. But Treevil would be even better.

Do you have a costume rigard you could use instead of Sabina for more attack boost?

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My ccurrent yellow titan teams:
c.Rigard - Treevil - G.Panther - Onyx - Miki

I was using Ceshire Cat, now I prever using Treevil if I have enough minor mana/mana/tornado/timestop for titan, otherwise use Cat for minimal battle items.

So, for optimal, I think it could be something like this:
c.Rigard - Treevil - Sergei - Konshu - Miki
Or swap c.RIgard with attack battle items like bear banner, and insert another hight attack purple like Kageburado.

Khonshu high attack 1020 if LBed and emblemed full attack path.

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Just replace tibs with treevil and Sabina with C rigard. Kage and khonshu are both really good choices because they are barbarians, you have more chances to bleed. And especially with Miki (also barbarian), the bleed damage will go through the roof

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teach’em about barbarians on titans! :smile: :smile: :smile:

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Though barbarians are lovely, you can’t let Sergei out of the equation my friend. He’s a must.

Yeah, but he mentioned he doesn’t have C rig. So in the meant time, the healer could be replaced by Sergei. Just use healing pots

Or swap out kage for Franz? Kage does feel like the weakest link apart from him being a high damage barb. Put in Franz and hope the damage amp can compensate for a 3-1-1 team?

bringing healing pots against titans? Not really useful. Especially with Miki around. Timestops and tornadoes to survive.

Hey, it also a solid choice! My alliance mate bring Miki and Franz for 3,1,1 format when hit titan, he using tornadoes and the score some time crazy with good board, even no healer as he using time stop. It is an expensive choice, but it still work well.

Treevil is a great suggestion…completely overlooked him and started Levelling him up. My only concern would be surviving hits from the Titan. We are generally fighting 8 - 10 star titans in our Alliance. I usually start by putting up a Turtle Shield (D-up) and hit with either a Bomb Attack or Axe Attack ( Attack down)…which helps my team from getting wiped out too quickly. I have a bunch of invisibility potion that I haven’t used which I can throw on Treevil.

I don’t have C. Rigard…really want him for the reasons you mention.

Limit broke and max talent Tree can survive good during 8,9 star titan fight. You can also use the invisibility pot or time stop to protect him if needed. I am using him for 12 titan and still okay with his survival.

I limit broke him now…but don’t have enough Emblems to get him fully levelled up.

Good to know he can survive