@Elioty33 has confirmed them yesterday as he said there is no other change other than Pick Up Summon
Thanks @PlayForFun
Goblin heroes to be released is just changed !
Isso ajuda e muito para os guerreiros da minha aly que estão começando no jogo. Estou sempre atrás do mapa dos heróis dos eventos,mais não estou conseguindo a do carnaval dos deuses
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do you know whos featured now on goblins since they changed the list of available heroes @Elioty33
Goblin Village update as teased by the release notes change. @Bandolivin here’s your answer
I did some counting… 17 summoning events in one single month… Wasn’t even including aether summon and ascension material summon etc… Omg…
Back in April 2020 when I first joined the game, we have maybe like 5-6 a month? Basically S2, S3, ToL/Costume, Challenge event and seasonal…
Here it is guys and girls!
Thx for the new Fated Summon list !
Thank you for your tireless work Oracle!
Thanks Elioty, finally the wait is over!
thank you tons! and finally, the misinformation can begin to be cleared up, now that we have the Oracle confirmation
Thank you Elliot! I don’t like the list much, but now I know to go ahead and take my 3rd LoLo
Thank you @Elioty33 a lot.
Finally edd for me, my lovely Frida
That list is sad. VERY VERY SAD.
Ouch, rough list. I’m glad they started including event heroes but making it oldest and weakest of the bunch isn’t going to help people much. Frida is still solid, and I still use Frigg. Norns is better than people give her/them credit for, but there are no real game changers here.
Ouch, still the S1 heroes in there. But at least they got rid of S2 and put in the challenge event heroes. Maybe when the S1 heroes are exhausted they will add in season event heroes?