My Team Last Time
My Team This Time
No change,… Kiril emblem now +14.
Other option…

Decent start,… not all mana charged.
Clear, used 2x heal and 2x bear banner.
Socerer keep later for Ursena, Rogue keep for now, maybe for Brynhild. Trainer also keep for now.
It depend on needs and rosters, as for me,… I plan to continue until +20, because I can’t wait to use it with mana troop lvl 11. My current mana troop is only lvl 17, so to go jump to lvl 23 is too long to wait.
And other factor are my AW coordinate tank color is purple, and Ursena is my tank. And I do not have Mitsuko or any other good Socerer heroes, except Sabina.
So, I think in your case you have a choice… Ursena and Mitsuko both are great offense reflect, IMO if I were you I would split Ursena, Mitsuko and Almur.