Season 3 Sneak Peek Discussion

You make me o-laf out loud HH :rofl:


I love diversity but the artwork for this character is just ā€¦bad.


Itā€™s Derric.

and Petri is Derric

So @Petri is the Dark Lord.

Mystery solved.


Looks promissing :slight_smile:

wrong heā€™s mighty @pETRI

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Wouuaaaaw! Je suis impatient de voir ce que ces hƩros auront comme compƩtences. En tout cas le loup est vraiment magnifique.:grin:

Translation from Google: ā€œWouuaaaaw! I can not wait to see what these heroes will have skills. In any case the wolf is really beautiful.ā€

Reminder that English is the official language of the Forum. Posts in other languages may be moved to Foreign Language section or removed.


itā€™s a cross of Chuckie and Mrs Doubtfire :no_mouth:



You forgot the son of Poseidon and Amphitrite - Triton and Melia, one of the Oceanus daughters. I loved mythology since I was a kid and I would like to see much more heroes from it in the game.


Iā€™m expecting some God links instead of elemental links. For example invulnerability for 2 turns.
And I would really like to see an altered match 3 mechanism. They could add some spice to it :grin:

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This goes right along with the ƞrymskviĆ°a, where Thor and Loki dress as women to retrieve Thorā€™s stolen Mjƶlnir. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Iā€™m sure SG plans on opening a monthly portal for S3 heroes like Atlantis. But with the recent changes to how long AR lasts now I hope they donā€™t decide to remove it completely when S3 starts.

VERY GOOD :muscle::muscle::muscle: new season

Iā€™m guessing that they will keep both open or add atlantis heroā€™s to the standard portal.

either option would be fine with me.

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Given how the odds for individual 5* heroes has got progressively worse from Season 1 to Season 2 (with additional gem costs) and for the new Challenge Event heroes (given there is now more of them for same rate) and that the theme is mythological godā€™s I would have gone with the more appropriate strapline of:

ā€œYour summons will require divine interventionā€¦ā€

But thatā€™s just me.


Adding S2 heroes to TC20 would be another good option I think.


As someone who is still missing several key S2 heroes, I would love this, but back in March, the devs said it wasnā€™t likely to happen.


I believe S2 heroes would only be added in any advanced TC buildings that would be developed in the futureā€¦or via hero academy (one would dream).


We thought that last season

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Magniā€™s fam is on its way !
Kinda wonder what way their going with this, I mean it pretty much looks like the Ragnarok path based off of Fenrir
We going to see heroes die ?
And is the final boss going to be dark again ?
Got that feeling Loki will be behind it all, basically just a reskin of season 2

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