šŸ¦Š Sable - 5* Ice / Blue - Fox hero from Covenant Summon

Saying anything on this forum, a fan created content platform, doesnā€™t equal gospel.

Because PlayforFun calls it a new status effect, doesnā€™t mean itā€™s the game considers it one. They have their own definition.

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Umm no i was thinking maybe the staff can explain this ā€¦i donā€™t know the staff maybe tag them then if u know them ? Iā€™m also not sure if we should reach out to support for this queries

Because i need explanation for thisā€¦if insanity is status effect then why is sableā€™s ghost form unable to remove it

Iā€™m new here ?


Share it then ???

Obviously not insanity.

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I had a similar question about Insanity last year when it first was released. It can not be reflected or cleansed. Only reduced via direct healing or stopped via passive or softskin.

It just be like that

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Noted. It would be nice though for staff to post what their definition of ā€œinsanityā€ is. If not a status effect, what is it? So that their players (most of whom are paying customers), have an idea how it relates to other aspects of the game.

Yes, Iā€™m asking for clarity (insert hysterical laughter here). :joy::joy::joy:

I would be fine if they said there isnā€™t a definition, just sorcery :full_moon::crystal_ball::hamsa::crystal_ball::full_moon:

Iā€™d love them to post all sorts of clarifications. On the card. In the ? tool tip if necessary.

Why say things like ā€œhomeboy receives a small amount of manaā€¦ā€ when they could say ā€œhomeboy receives 10% manaā€¦ā€. In fact, ā€œsmall amount of mana means different things to different heroes. :sweat_smile:


I especially love how it attaches to her in ghost :ghost: form. Nothing else. :upside_down_face::joy::upside_down_face:

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Uhhhā€¦ghosts be crazy, yo?


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Haha. There are some benefits. They can still receive minions in ghost :ghost: form.


Thank you Kathri i hope i get Sable too wish SG could reward us one hero we likeā™„ļøŽ

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I faced a team with Sable in the wing. It was PAINFUL.
Team had Quari, C Dark Lord, Sludgus and Salimata.

Sableā€™s ability to bring back one hero each time she fires is very good indeed, it took a very long time to battle and took me three tries to win because she kept bringing heroes back with mana. Dancing wasnā€™t an option because of Salimata and Quari canā€™t miss.

Not only does she look beautiful, she is very useful via a novel mechanic. Do wish I had her, perhaps someday when she is available in SE or Fated Summons.


Just a little beta intel hereā€¦ if the wildcats are released as they are currently in beta, sable will be their only counter!!! Crazy if they release them as current :tired_face:


Im still trying to decide whether Sable is good or not. Sheā€™s certainly not good for offense (i think). But never fought her in raids tooā€¦ So sheā€™s only good for defense?

I have her for a while but still havent started levelling her up.

She is good for offense, but needs some planning on your part, when will opponent take out your guyā€¦ She needs one of her abilites transferred to ghost form, preferrably cleanse

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Hmmmā€¦ I guess for now she doesnt fit in my mono blue atk team. As for now thereā€™s no need for a reviver in them. its 9 tiles game over. lol. I also think Sable needs a buff. maybe shorten the ghost form from 3 to 2 turns and the heal over time either make it bigger or it boosted health instead.

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I have her 2lbed 20 emblems her revive is cool still needs buff(to lessen her ghost form by 1 or 2 turns for maximum impact) (sheā€™s okayish) still not extra ordinary in my opinion

But i always keep her on the left wing of my war defense :+1: well since i invested on her :joy:


Not sure where all the hate for this hero comes in. I think sheā€™s epic . Guarantee revive after ghosts form ends . Wow


Had an amazing war match using Sable. 3 reds, Ito abd Sable vs toon vivica, nautica, toon horg, toon obakan, glass Richard. My reds got demolished before a special went off. Sable was able to revive everyone by the end and i got the win. Eating specials in ghost mode is awesome. Sables only 80/7 too.


Epic ā€¦she is but we need legendary heroes to win these days :)).i only see her as a wing in defense formation if you have a top tank like bernadette or fergus that can win battles by themselves

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