šŸ¦Š Sable - 5* Ice / Blue - Fox hero from Covenant Summon

Complicated special for attack, but should be solid in def.

Pulled her and the HofM. Now need to figure a def team for her


I pulled her but i donā€™t know if i should be happy or sad :skull:


No its the oppositeā€¦ Ghost form means the enemies can charge up easily within that 3 turnsā€¦like ameonna self ghosting (Iā€™d say useful for offense/attack when u get a bad board and easily get killed then u charge her up wait for 3 turns and wait for that 1 ally to revive :skull:/wait for her ghost form to expire to get that heal and also cleanser for 3 turns)

Sheā€™s like 5* ameonnašŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ« a bit

But as f2p i donā€™t think sheā€™s that useful when hard hitters are desirable nowā€¦glad that sheā€™s very fast tho


That is why I suggested to tank two heroes in front of her to avoid the clean ghost road :slight_smile:


I wish i could give you an answer, but im lecvelling her. Once sheā€™s a bit further levelled i can test her out in my alliance. I let you know how it all turned out.


Today I took her and Rosalindā€¦ Do you think that fox behind Bernadette and Rosalind could work? :thinking:


Still :upside_down_face: i have ameonna (theyā€™re pretty similar) even if sable is in wing positionā€¦ (i have targeted wing heroes myself as well) still itā€™s easier to charge up (mana by the enemies) vertical 6 tiles(for example) or target her constantly to ghost her quickly despite heal (especially if itā€™s a hard hitter that damages/kills all allies) and sable revives just one/cleanses and gives it a heal (then again a hard hitter/game over?)

ā€¦ I wouldnā€™t risk that :upside_down_face: by placing her on raid defense/war defense. . Still her very fast mana is good. . It maybe annoying to deal with her (because of ghost form) Iā€™d say sheā€™s still killable especially if timer begins/increased attack by the end

Caster in ghost form is risky in many ways

In offense atleast she has hope (6tiles charge) constantly use blue tiles to revive allies one after the another ( if she exists losing raids/wars can be overturned to wins) last minute save type of hero

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Aww this is sweet

I own a female pet dog (spitz white with brown patches) she was a covid baby (and still alive) almost 5 yrs old

And Sable looks exactly like her when her eyes are closed/ when sheā€™s in her sleeping mode

I got Sable today and Iā€™m working on it :heart_eyes:

I really hope u get her as well in remembrance of your Sable

But Iā€™m still skeptical about her special skill tho :sweat_smile:


lol. same. 18 pulls. Sable and Rosalind.


Def Team Ideas with various formations:

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Please also offer up alternatives to what I have offered up

:joy: looking good. At least it appears all my ideas are good one :+1:

I just used her for the first time and thereā€™s one issue; the 3 turns are just endless. By the time she came out of it, the battle was almost over. Must be reduced to 1 turn only.

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Thanks Sam, I can imagine it being annoying

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Instead of healing over time, should be an instant 45% to the revived? Or as you say the match is almost over

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I also thought she heals during ghost form, thus making it uncleansable but she doesnt work like this. Makes her weakerā€¦


It is. The whole ghost thingy, iā€™m trying to figure out how it benefits my team or even just her - and it just doesnā€™t add anything. Itā€™s as if SG said, we got this cool very fast hero, now we got to add something to make her mediocre. It kills me to say that cause sheā€™s gorgeous and beautiful, but this is not just pointless, itā€™s contra-productive.

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Honestly, unless they scale the ghost thing back to 1 turn, i doubt i can use her. I would say get rid of the entire gjost part, but then the artwork would need changing tooā€¦or, if she did what Lepiota does, that would be my favourite solution.


Currently at 4/58. Been running her on attack as low as 3/50. Won every raid so far. Itā€™s a timing thing. Sheā€™s been very helpful against ā€œdestroy everythingā€ heroes like cennius. I do agree her coming out of ghost mode seems forever. Split the difference and say 2 turns in ghost. Ditch the hot, for %heal, or 750 boosted health out of ghost mode.:ghost: Cleanse once as well.

If you can make nutso heroes like Fergus, you can tweak this one.

On defense she seems like a liability.


Yea, her complete skill started after ghost form, that make her speed as slow as Mother North, thatā€™s why she need more, so in a project like her will be quite useful.