šŸ¦Š Sable - 5* Ice / Blue - Fox hero from Covenant Summon

I think i can create a team with her - after all itā€™s only 1 more hero. Havenā€™t thought it through, but, letā€™s say, chunkyroi who also gives dispels, gives mana plus 40 % healā€¦Sludgus would work too and add a few hard hitters and i donā€™t believe that you donā€™t have 3 great hitters. That aside, she is my 3rd fox.

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You know you do this so often, calling a hero that you only know from reading the card, a gimmick or total trash etc. I don"t think itā€™s fair calling any hero trash or similar unless you used the hero extensively. Im not a fan of ghost heroes either, but letā€™s see how good or bad she is in raids or wars.

I do have great hitters lol, but not if you ask someone with an up to date account. My best hitters are 1 year+ old (Mena, some Toons, pre-costume Domiventus, those are my newest, which means most of what I play is older than that) not much to be had when you hit current heroes with 5er troops (which I also donĀ“t have) Oh and I just got Bonzo, so heĀ“ll be a nice upgrade when ready.

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Well, maybe i meet you in one of the next wars. Who knows?

you mean you want an easy target? Sure come on, join the slaughter fest.

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Shame we canā€™t test it out - and where are the emojis?

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To me, she feels borderline OP :

  • quite potent healing at very fast
  • cleanse for 3 turns
  • guarantee revive

Oh, and she cant get touched and she cant get her spells dispelledā€¦ SIlverpaw with greed is giving you problems? Sable clears that everlasting problemā€¦ At very fast speed!


It wonā€™t just be 3 heroes in your case because itā€™s a guaranteed chance to revive and the resurrection heal is decent enough. She just draws out battles because of this which I dislike
Sheā€™s legit the few resurrectors in this game that takes strategy to play instead of the usual rng, the other being melancholia

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How does she clear the problem? If her other ally got greedy, she wouldnā€™t be able to turn into ghost mode

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Problem with her in defense is that you give your opponent a free and empty row to ghost tiles. But when you manage to put her in a 2-3 line up in the middle backwards position, she could be real nasty, since the opponent cannot ghost tiles and she can revive one of the two ā€œtanksā€ when she comes back from ghost form.

And with being very fast, she is very likely to fire early in battle.

either way an interesting hero, especially since the main critic with Lughaid was that he is too slow for what he does.

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Will Phenexa reduce the revival to 20%?

This is just 100% chance on revival, so technically, Phenexa should reduce this to 20%.

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No, her revive has no % value. So it ignores this passive


Thats might be only exception, but would still like testing with ghost form if anyone is able?

Otherwise she has Silverpaw beat with very fast speed vs average.

Good catch though :slight_smile:


I just tested this lady. And her mana speed with guaranteed revive is amazing.


Little fox just arrivedā€¦ :+1:


Itā€™s not a safe cleanse though so heroes like Pophit and Pepperflame should wreak havok on these teams while sheā€™s in ghost form ,right?

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Thanks for testing her. My alliancec was very sceptical about her; i have a very good feeling about her - which you just confirmed. At her speed it doesnā€™t really matter whether her heal is 900, 1200 or 1500; she is like a bee buzzing around healing and reviving. Canā€™t wait to get her maxed. I have 3 healers: Dabria, Charon and Relius and only Relius does a decent job. And i predict Sable will outdo him and other current healers/revivers incl. the formidable Lysanor.

Thereā€™s no hero in the game that is completely safe from other heroes, incl. her. Doesnā€™t make her bad hero. You always have to look out for what a hero on the other side does, right?

Yeah when she wakes up she revives one defeated ally %100 and cleanse negative alignments and heals over 300 for next 3 turn. She is really fast. Plus if you have Astrid in your team. She is more useful.

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I think sheā€™s a great hero with maybe the best art in the game.

Iā€™m just trying to understand if she makes her team vulnerable to those types of heroes. I donā€™t have her so if Iā€™m raiding against her, Iā€™d like to know if those heroes will create a good opportunity for an advantage because of the cleanse every turn.