Revising emblems

I have put some emblems on heroes but some heroes I hardly use. Am a casual player in a small guild and don’t raid so I am looking to maybe reset my emblems.
Any advice would be welcome.

Don’t reset your emblems. These are all low * heroes and you’ll find plenty of new emblems in time. Reset tokens are more valuable than a few emblems.

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I know I have put on emblems on 3* for some events, but are 4* heroes seen as low heroes? I don’t get a lot of 5* as I am FTP and lack the materials to level up some, so I focused on 4 and 3*.

Only Kasshrek seems like a waste to me. The slow panda as well, but you’ve only given it 9 emblems, that’s not too much to take away

Why is Kashhrek a waste?

He will soon become redundant.
At your level, he is awesome as tank, but he only heals 3 heroes… soon you will get way better heroes and as tank against real players he becomes… easy to deal with. They will gladly attack him aandacht let him heal just to fire their own heroes all at the same time. In the mean time, their heroes aren’t hit much because kasshrek doesn’t do damage.

But at your level, he is awesome! Don’t get me wrong

I don’t get many heroes to be honest lately. And if I pull them, I don’t have the materials to max them, so decided to focus on what I have.

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Good call.
Invest in these heroes (they don’t need LB or emblems at the moment imho), clear stages and do quests.
There comes a time suddenly everything changes and you get regular materials and - if lucky - good heroes. HA20 is very valuable even though people who pay a lot say different.

I pulled Vivicia, but also have Leonidas and he has been waiting for poison darts for a very very long time. Speaking of stages; I am doing Valhalla at the moment but am stuck at 24. I am using Sartana, Sabina, Joon, Wilbur, and BT, but even with Timestop and Dragon attacks I am struggling and I am short on materials to craft stuff.

Did you finish S1 and Atlantis?
Best clear those first.
Also focus on quests, especially the very rare ones and the festivals.
You can also save gold tokens and exchange them at the right time. Try to pull when a good HOTM is present because these are a bit more easy to pull.
I suggest waiting until Christmas to use the gold coins.

Yes, I finished S1 and 3. Season 4 I am stuck at level 17 and season 5 at level 7. I do most quests except the tower one. I don’t get far there at all, so I skip it…:slight_smile: Rarely do I get anything from a pull but today I pulled Ptolemy. I am indeed waiting and saving up for Christmas this time.

As a proud owner of 18 semi developed F2P alt accounts, I can tell you this: Focus on your decent 4* heroes as a primary objective, and given the fact that Aethers and Emblems are the rarest resources for a F2P, you should give those to your good 4* s. 4* s can win you a lot of emblems from completing challenge events, even Legendary stages are easy enough to complete with highly emblemed and/or limit broken 4* teams. 4* s can also participate in 5* tournaments, and a limit broken + emblemed 4* is much more powerful than an unemblemed, non- limit broken 5* in the vast majority of cases.

That being said, you lack a lot of the good Season 1 4* heroes. Probably you just didn’t bother to max them, investing valuable time and resources in 5* heroes first, which is quite a common mistake.

From your current listed 4* s, the ones deserving emblems the most are:

Wu Kong
Lady Woolerton

Given the fact you have several decent 5* already, I’d say it’s highly likely you also have several other decent 4* s which you didn’t yet max and which are deserving their emblems, those are Grimm, Kiril, Boldtusk, Tiburtus, Rigard.

As for how emblems should be prioritized, I found out that it’s better to max the emblems of offense-type heroes as a priority and leave healers/support heroes as secondary emblem targets. Meaning, Tiburtus before Rigard for example.

Other useful tips: Counterattack heroes such as Boril are good as emblem targets in the very beginning of the game when you literally have only 4 or 5 maxed heroes, and very, very late when emblems are abundant, in the meantime best strip them of emblems in favour of other, more prominent, more often used characters - for example, Lady Woolerton would be much more useable than Boril.

Kashhrek is a very bad investment, both as emblems or limit break materials, it’s a waste that you broke him already, but other mages can benefit from those emblems much more - like Kiril for example.

Hu Tao is another example of bad investment. His stats are extremely low in order to compensate for his mass Blind. Even with Limit Break and max emblems and costume bonus (I have that on an alt) he is still way too weak.

I suggest stripping the emblems of said heroes, even if it’s with gems and giving them to more worthy 4* heroes. If you don’t have any at this moment, consider making that swap when you max one.

I’d say that for you it’s early to invest in embleming 3* heroes until you have at least two or three decent 4* maxed (on emblems and limit break) raid/tournament/event teams.

I thought I’d uploaded all my screenshots but it looks like I didn’t. Grimm, BT, Tib, Sabina, Wilbur and Melendor all are maxed and have LB on them. Currently working on Wu. Thanks for the advice. I’ll see what I have to give LB to.