Remaking a defence

So I am looking to redo my defence. I had been using one of the doubles with LotL giving a minion to everyone, but with the recent changes it doesn’t work as well anymore.

I don’t really have the heroes for the reverse V as LotL is too slow to fire if only seeing one lane of tiles at the back there.

So I was thinking of trying this

The thinking is forcing blue leaving weak against LotL and also having the blue def up and def down reverse from JF should help against skadi where a def down maybe needed to have full effect vs minions.

As far as Limit Breaking goes at next quest I will have the aethers to break Seshat and once I finish Melendor I will be doing the extra levels on LotL.

Other 5 stars options below

I’m hesistant to post this as I don’t love my thought…

I would not stack blue against LotL tank. She’s the biggest threat. The other four aren’t threatening enough for me to be concerned with anything other than eliminating the tank as my top priority. I’d probably still stack red.

I’d be tempted to flank LotL with Grazul. Keep her alive and protected and let her minions win you the game.


Personally I would also stack red against this formation. And it might be a good idea to experiment with Grazul and Richard as flanks. Not sure they are the best options necessarily, but they are worth a try. Richard would be an advantage against a red stack and he hits harder than Jean-Francois and Anzogh, while Grazul would ensure good protection.


Thanks for the opinions guys, will give it a try :+1:


I wouldn’t stack blue against JF either, unless I could be sure to kill him immediately.

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