4 April - there is an epic troop token today.
Another epic troop token
April 4th Recruits II quest had a troop token for one of my alliance members.
Yep, an Epic Troop Token for completing Recruits II
Any quest with Epic heroe token?
This Epic Troop Token was a hidden reward, not listed as a reward (as the number of recruits always is)
Epic Hero Tokens are hard to get in quests. If they appear, they’re usually a reward in Challenges or Events and are always listed on the stage bar thingy (along with required energy/recommended team power etc.). I have never seen a “hidden” epic hero token as a reward for completing quests.
Ignore that reply above. I misread the last comment.
7 April - no epic troop token today. Woe is me!
No epic token today…
Me too… no token for this today’s quest
Anybody know if there was an epic troop token in today’s (April 17th) Find Recruits II quest?
No Token (Source: global Chat)
There is a token today
indeed, it`s there this time
Thanks for the update, folks … and the person who edited the title is awesome!
is token present today?
Not for me……
Word is no on May 10th
How about today? Anyone take one for the team yet?
No token today, may 13