Hi there - largely Australian based alliance been together for over 3 years, but we’ve lost a few players recently so are looking for some cruisy new people (not necessarily Australian) to fill our alliance. Typically making short work of 9-10* titans, we beat the occasional 11*, but our 11* strike rate improves when we’re closer to fully subscribed. Finished in the 9000 range for the recent alliance quest. All we ask is the minimum - hit the titans and use your war flags if you’ve opted in.
Our alliance sounds similar to yours, it’s Squirrel Spa and Sauna. Take a look at us. Some thoughts on perhaps combining our alliances?
thanks for the offer but like i said we’ve been together a long time and wouldn’t be prepared to cut any of our players loose, so a merge would leave us with far too many players
Definitely respect and admire your position. We have some wiggle room on our end, a few of our members have been inactive for some time, been warned, and have been given eviction notices. If you have a few of those yourself, then maybe it can be pursued further? Otherwise good luck.
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