🇦🇺 Aussie Hangout Again! Seeking new members or MERGER

Active alliance hitting 8&9* titans.
We participate in all wars and are of varied levels of experience 1600-2500.

Tight alliance who have been together for a few years, like to use a bit of aussie banter. Members currently aussies and americans but all welcome. Chilled atmosphere.

Seeking players to help us grow.

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Still searching, any alliance interested in merge


Hello. How many members do you have?

We have 19 so 11 short of full

I know a group of 10 that are looking for a possible merge. Will drop an alt into your group and check you guys and gals out for them

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No problems, we are pretty chilled just expect war flags to be used if included.

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We have 16 members in our predominantly Aussie alliance. New members of any sort will help us grow.

Sorry jqhosko probably too many our guys have been together for a while and wouldn’t want to drop 5 to merge.

We have 10 players active with 4000 power. Join us in Clan Clan and we can make a strong Alliance. Clan Clan, boss FBanu13, is an international Alliance and we have a lot of fun. We are a family there.

Hey Lukas, would be good if you guys joined us. Will make your boss a co leader and drop our trophy requirement temporarily so that you all can get in. We too are a strong family.

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Hey CptnCaveman, I was in a merge last month and the people there didn t use flags at war and titan. We lost 2 wars because they didnt use the flags. Our people did their part in war and titans. So, I will not leave the Allaince again. Join us for 2 weeks and see if we can make something great. You and your friends will get co-leader or any rang. This is not a problem. Keep one player in your old alliance and “I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.”

Hey Lucas, would prefer to keep our titan and war score. Our titan score is 3x that you guys are hitting.
Understand the trust thing, how about you send one guy or gal over for a few days or weeks to scout us and see what if you’d fit. If you can’t see that working that’s fine we’ll just continue our search. Cheers

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Hey Caveman what is your alliance name?

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Aussie Hangout Again!

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Ok. I’m thinking of joining. I will get back to see what my other alliance members think.

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All good, no pressure happy for you to put a scout in for a week or so if unsure. We are an easy going bunch.

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If this new merger doesn’t work out, we had a player visit our alliance and stay and chat for a while. Alas, we didn’t have room for all ten of them. Your alliance might be the solution they are looking for.

The player reads the forum, which is how he learned about us, so he may yet be in contact. You have options. GL

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Thanks, were in no rush just want an outcome that works for all. Cheers

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Most members in my current alliance are happy to move to Aussie Hangout Again! My alliance leader said we are going to give it a week to see if we can recruit anyone else for our own alliance. If not we will than move to your alliance. Most probably after Thursdays war is over.

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All good that works for us

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