In my honest opinion, at this point in the game, when SG launch S5 they should rebalance both the S1 (plus costumes) and some of the S2 heroes and some of the old HOTM.
For example make some slow S1 heroes average/fast speed, give a family bonus, buff heroes like Vela, Buddy etc etc etc
And I have said as much in Beta
It’s interesting to see threads like this. Mainly because I thought it was obvious why they chose those heroes to offer in SE. they’re just not good, that’s the point. If they gave you a great card for a sunk cost of 20 cards, that would only hurt them.
Why pull if they buff older heroes? What would drive you to want to pull for something new if they made your old heroes more functional? Why offer great cards for SE? A “free” card cannot be as good as a card you’re spending money for. Otherwise it would devalue the chase heroes.
Again, I thought it was obvious that the only way they will “buff” and old hero 99.9% of the time is to create a costume, not use a direct buff. A costume which ultimately you end up paying for. There’s a reason exeera is in the season 4 portal. There’s a reason the featured heroes usually have one chase hero, a decent one and one you typically don’t want. The ones that are just OK force you to spend more. Well with some people it causes them to rage pull to get what they want.
I wish they would do what you’re suggesting. But it would hurt their bottom line, BAD. That’s why trading amongst players wil never happen. If that happens, mark my words, the game will be dead at that point. Cheers!
Not likely. SG does not make profit from the Soul Exchange. So the offered heroes will be good, but cannot be too good as it will cause less pulls from portals.
I answered your question about soul exchange. It wasn’t until the last paragraph where I gave my opinion on why SG ultimately wouldn’t do it.
To just be more clear, I don’t think they should offer good heroes for SE. I don’t think they should prioritize working on heroes offered in SE.
It’s literally a trash heap for all our unused heroes. Heroes a lot of people would eventually feed rather than pay for extra space. So it’s not like players are giving up something even remotely valuable. The exchange is actually amazing as is given the fact your handing over something useless. That’s my opinion anyway. Cheers!
Ugk26, agree with you. I never understood why people were complaining about anything related to SE. Folks asked for a way to get rid of old heroes and they got it and some extra on top. I am actually quite happy with the heroes that were on offer - i just wished i could have dòne two, but hey, it’s fair the way it was. I got Skadi, and i think she’s a very decent hero. Of course she’s not an A+ or so. For these heroes you have to pay, and again, fair enough. The day SG gives great heroes away for free, is the day the game dies. Yes, exchanging a mediocre hero for an excellent one, is a dream - but only for those who wish the game would die (and crazy as it sounds, there are enough folks like that scurrying around the forum spreading their poison.
There is “NO” complaint about which hero SG chose to offer in SE. The OP poses a question about some of the heroes that were on offer… & whether SG can be fair by balancing them before offer.
Why heroes on offer needed re-balancing is a query posed.
Since I have a good roster, I can be a know it all OR ask questions as a regular player… in tune with certain recent developments that have given me food - for- thought
Personally, I had 11 of the offered heroes, so had no complaint as per my roster dept & width. SE master shows which hero I picked & why.
This post is connected to hero re-balancing that SG regularly does
poses question w.r.t. SE offering being rebalanced… which anyone feels or not !
I did say they shouldn’t work on old heroes. I’ll be more specific, they should not buff heroes you get essentially for “free”. I use free loosely because the cards are a sunk cost. If you can’t use them they’re worthless.
The reason I continue to go into Detail is to explain why I feel that way, I don’t know why I can’t explain my point, it gets to the heart of why SG won’t do the buffs. I won’t repeat it again, I’ll stay on this single point.
@Samantha7 Hey I haven’t seen you in a while, hope you’re well. Yeah, I think the heroes were decent given the option. But in regards to buffing heroes before the exchange, that would only hurt SG. Yes, everyone would want the buffs, who wouldn’t right? But if they give you something sexy, almost for “free”, it will only hurt their bottom line. The best heroes should be paid for, I agree with you.
If you need to ask this question, you simply don’t know SGG. Just take a look at the timing of the last two balance updates, the last one right before Tower of Magic, this one right before CoK, does it rings a bell? All SGG cares about is revenue, as does any business, hence all the decision-making would be based on the pulls generated. And BTW, there will be a balance update in April that affects Ninja heroes, wanna guess the timing too?
Hi Ugk26, yes all good, i am just not that often here anymore, maybe i must have a look more often. I hope you are also doing okay. It’s funny, but both of us share the same or similar views. To me they are logical views formed without hatred for SG or the gatcha system. Nothing is perfect anywhere, but Empires comes pretty close as far as these games go.
Other than that, looking forward to make some pulls at Knights, though ill wait until the last day (to stop myself from spending too much. Lol) i hope you pull Ludwig and my sights are still set on Quenelle. Ludwig, flanked by Alfrike and Milena (or really any strong hitters) is just amazing. And Im sure you get that gorgeous monster. Ill keep my fingers crossed for both of us.
Shame though that Ferant has been re-balanced; i guess they did it to prevent another Telluria. I don’t like it, but i can accept it without screaming ‘foul play’. Other games do it more frequently. So that’s my opinion on re-balancing. Don’t like it, but it ain’t no big deal either.
@Samantha7 Got Ludwig yesterday! So thanks for keeping up hope for me lol. I think it helped!
The ferant nerf doesn’t bother me too much now that I’ve used him after the nerf, he’s still really really good. I also think having two lewenas makes up for it. So I guess it worked out.
The game giveth, the game taketh away lol! Take care of yourself, if I see you around, I’ll make sure to say hello.