Advice soul exchange march 2024

Hello everyone, could you please give me some advice for this soul exchange…? I do not have a reviver, but I am not sure about Dabria… what do you think?
As a F2P It takes quite a few months to get 20 heroes to exchange, so I also have to consider if I should wait for the next one…
Thank you!!

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Would you be okay taking mother north or alberich from FS?


Possible typo here… months → years :upside_down_face:

I can see Heimdall as a reviver, but maybe you meant that you are lacking a yellow reviver?

Without thinking too much of this, Dabria seems like a good addition to your yellow roster.

Nice roster for a F2P


You Have :wink: But TBH normal Heimdall is very weak as a Reviver.
Dabria is good one at average speed with some extra bonuses.
And Ruskin is right MN and Albi are great options from Fated Summon.
This SE is a good one, offers better heroes. Because of the weekly arriving new Op heroes, sorry monsters…F2P players can get more useful heroes from SE time to time. No one can tell You that it is worth or not waiting the next one. :slight_smile:


you have a decent roster of heroes for f2p , seems yellow is your weakest color but not sure i would pick the yellows in this SE or wait on the next one if i was committed to that color. If you are also committed to a reviver then Dabria seems decent enough, just feel there are stronger heroes that are not yellow in this SE

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There’s a decent chance the next SE will be relative garbage. I would be shocked if they did 2 great SE back to back. If you’re just looking for a reviver than Fated Summon has 2 to choose from. But Lets look a little deeper:

Purple - You have quantity without a vast amount of quality (Understandable for a F2P roster) but the purple options in this SE are not great. I wouldn’t recommend trying to beef up your purples with SE. None of the purple options are for you this time… Unless you see someone there you really want

Yellow - You have a couple of good heroes here. Toon Leo being the standout. Not sure why you’ve ignored Zhuge Liang though. Anne could bring some additional fire power but she would be a luxury option and may become less useful quite quickly. Dabria would be an upgrade too but you’re not desperate for a healer really and revive can be obtained from other avenues. Odin is the worst of the 3 yellows on offer. He won’t add much to your roster

Blue - You have Frida so Cinnamon is not a must have. Bubbles could be useful but if you have Waddles you could just beef them up instead. Snow White is a half decent option but you can get by without her

Green - Maybe my eyesight isn’t what it used to be but I don’t see anyone who can deal with minions so Athos could add something you don’t already have. You have Liu Bei & Zhuge Liang so Ekantie would be a waste as they do pretty much the same thing. Francine would only really add cleanse. How badly do you want her? I wouldn’t bother if it were me

Red - You look pretty solid in red for a F2P roster so you certainly have no need for Yang Mai. Cupido and Xiaotu are both fantitastic heroes but you’re not hurting for reds at all. Either of those would be a pure luxury take for this roster.

From what I can see you don’t really “need” anything from this round of SE except a minion killer but Athos is a sniper so not really great for that role. If I were you I would only take from this SE if there was someone I just really wanted or if I were desperate to free up some roster space. If neither of these are true for you then you may just want to wait for the next one.

What you end up deciding, I hope it works out for you

Just one gamer’s opinion

Game Well :sunglasses: :mechanical_arm:


Dabria is good and I think he will only be 15 souls not 20. Xiaotu looks cool and I guess for passive blocks minions being a Lunar Hero. “Disable Minions: Attacks and abilities of all Minions owned by enemies are disabled.”


Thank you, you explained everything really well! I agree with you, I will think about it… I like the passive of Xiaotu (silence minions), but I have plenty of red… I also never considered Zhuge Liang, I do not know if he is a good hero…
Thank you again

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Xiaotu is tempting for her passive indeed…

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The election will be hard…todo many good Heros…dabría, anne, bubbles, xiaotu, cupido, ekanite, narcissa… I have uthragan y snowwhite…but no more. And in this moment i have only 7 souls, waf

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We get new heroes every week, sorry, almost every day. You must chose the most versatile one.
Create a checklist like this for each hero:
Can I use for:
1.) raid defense?
2.) raid attack?
3.) Tournaments?
4.) Events?
5.) vs Titan
6.) Do I have materials to ascend?
7.) Do i have emblems to complete?
8.) Do i have heroes for synergie?
(list is not in priority)
At the end, you have your best choice :wink:


Zhuge Liang is highly underrated especially since they buffed him a while ago. I would definitely level him. Great in Rush but also I didn’t take a deep dive into your roster I’ll be honest but if you pair him with somebody like Ariel and boost his mana he becomes a lot more valuable.

I am somebody that just always thinks about the way the game flows and I’m free to play also. 90% of the teams you see in war and over 50% in raids will have a purple tank which makes someone like Anne extremely valuable. The other thing that I think about more and more in these type of events now where I actually get to choose is how is a hero going to age. Ekanite just does so much even on the first charge. Xiaotu will age well being a lunar hero and with all the added benefits of his special. Cupido, Cinnamon (Frida, makes cinnamon not as much of a priority but cinnamon hits all and does some extra stuff) and Bubbles will as well.

Dabria is one of those heroes that we saw a lot initially when they came out and then people realize that there’s a big gap between 40 and 50% revive. Also heal over time with all the fast smashers out there doesn’t do a lot for me.


Thank you, I agree F2P expecially have to think about how the hero ages

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F2P with that roster, my tush!

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