Queen of Hearts... good or not

I got her in the recent summon. She was very hard in gen. Kind of reminds me of Sheshat. It will be expensive to build her up. Do sny of you have an opinion? I already have 4 Neiths so I’m covered with yellow. Really needed a red thus the Queen… do any of you have her powered up? What do you think?

I thought she would be a great flank in defense…but I have better flanks based on number of cups kept. She is great when facing certain bosses. For example s2 final stage on hard was pretty easy because of her. She is also good on offense PvAI against certain massive hit all heros. For example she tames issy and Az in rush attack tournaments. But she is not a great general purpose hero imo.

I’ve faced her in raids, and she can be pretty annoying. I’d call her good, not great, but not bad, either.

I use her in defence and attack. She is a very versatile hero and comfortably holds me in the diamond league. I position her on the flank

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I had her last year but maxed only last month: I think she’s very good but actually I enjoy more on attack (very interesting and useful) than on defence even if she is a natural flank. She’s a very good hero and deserves to be maxed.

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She was my 1st 5* Red I maxed. She is a fun hero. Top tier she is not, but she is certainly not bad. On raid offense, she benefits from being paired with Wilbur. Hilarious when your opponents AoE effect goes off and she is the only one targetted because of her Taunt ability but because of Wilbur’s damage spread, it doesn’t even kill the minion card. Also makes your life a lot easier for challenge events, S2 Atlantis Hard and Seasonal events. In summary, if you have rings, she is not a bad choice to ascend.

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Qoh is a very good hero for both raids and event.

I’ve used mine for a while. I’ve not been too impressed with her defense performance as others have said, but offensively when you, as the player, can time your abilities, she’s pretty sweet.

Her main purpose is to protect the team like Gunnar or Wilbur or Kadilen but generally does so more effectively because it’s not just damage but status ailments she can protect against. In effect, QoH is a giant sponge that completely blunts or negates the effect of some of the deadliest effects the defense or AI can muster. Isarnia turns into a really bad Valen, QoH goes MR. PRESIDENT if Lianna is about to fire. Spillover effects from pulverizers and Kingstons don’t even touch her neighbors.

The problem though is timing. Like her event contemporary Hatter, you can’t control when she’ll fire on defense, and that’s her biggest flaw. This can also be problematic on offense if you miss the timing because her defense is middling, and if the +special defense isn’t up, wow does she crumple hard. She does very poor damage that’s at best a compliment to your heavier hitters, but a hitter she is not.

She’s really good, definitely above average, but not top tier, simply because the taunt effect is so powerful. She was very, very good before her effect bled into Black Knight and Shrubbear, but taunt is still a rare effect in general. If you need a defensive type hero for your red stack, there are few who does what Queen of Hearts provides, but if you need a tank or damage dealer, that’s really, really, really not her job.