Any of these worth leveling? Was considering the 5*s for Soul Exchange
It really more depends on your present roster & what you intended to use the hero for ie: defense or offense, war raids, tournaments, events or just an all around versatile hero.
Without any information I would level adaryn and peppermint. Edd is good if you don’t have another dd hero
In my honest opinion, and depending on your roster, at first sight I would level up:
Peppermint, Aderyn and Edd
Whichever heroes you choose good luck
Only person on there I would not level is Thoth-Amun. All the others have their uses.
Just one gamer’s opinion
Game Well
When I saw the topic title my brain immediately went here…The Purple People Eater.
There are many different covers of this song from the late 50s, but this is my favourite (40% of Deep Purple helps )
Perhaps we have an idea for a new hero?
Oxide, then i accomplished my goal! Figured the old people like me might pick up on the reference.
The reviews on Peppermint hre have been less than flattering. I dont have a purple 3* healer, but do have three treevils and a maeve, so maybe Aderyn makes the most sense.
Aderyn is safe because sometimes a purple healer is needed for tournaments. The rest are OK, I agree that only Thoth is the one I’d never ascend
I would ascend Thoth if I had 60 tabards and 20 blades and tomes and no other 5* to ascend
I stand corrected. lol