Portal Summons Odds - Visualized

Oh my, that must have shaken your normal strategy when creating these! … :sweat_smile:


Life has been busy. Valentine portal added. Tie for second to worst odds for an event 5*.

The margins they seem to play with most is on S1 5* and 3*. Event 4* with 5.7% odds seems to be the norm. Where we get a bit ‘burned’ from a 5* perspective is when a portal doesn’t have a featured hero component. That generally only gets us another 0.5% to 1% chance so don’t take ‘burned’ too literally.


Thank you - that portal is awful! It´s mighty nice to have it visualized like that - there´s no denying it at all then. :100:

Updated for Untold Tales. I suspect the percentages will remain constant regardless of featured season. I’ve not looked at the master Untold Tales thread.

I did think it was interesting the 5* and 4* cumulative percentages to potentially receive a non S1 hero are the same as Seasons 2-5.

Tower of Magic had the same summoning odds as Ninja so just made a reference note. No need to make a new wheel IMO. Plus I’m lazy.

I’m surprised Styx’s is a bit different numerically but effectively the same. Will see what the odds look like the next time it comes around.


Oh god, not the accurate visuals. “Delete all the portals!”

But yeah, good lord, 3* heroes seem like 1* heroes the way these charts look. Thankful and appreciative of the work on these visual aids for pull chances. Makes the few good pulls like (recently) Meadows from Covenant and Heifeng Guai from W3K. Now, I want HA10 to at least give me that 5% costume if I get S1 duplicates.

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Yeah I’ve had a bit of a HA10 (expected) dry spell. As a F2P I have only 2x 5* costume, one from HA10, so when that S1 hero pops up I’m excited for about 0.5 seconds lol

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Will admit, was only excited ONCE when I got a S1 and it was because it gave me a new costume. The only other costume I remember getting is a duplicate cKadilen, who had came after getting a duplicate cKadilen during a Costume Chamber. The game was telling me I should consider a second one of her, I guess.

Was interested in a few of the current portal heroes…


Feck off, SG.

Unbelievably miserly.