Poll for ice and green heroes

Which blue and green legendary to max next? I’m leaning towards Milady and Ferrus

  • Milady
  • Ceto

0 voters

  • Ferrus
  • Haulstone
  • Guan Yu

0 voters

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With the heros already at your disposal, imho …I believe MdW and Ferrus will serve you the best, atm


Thanks @L33tVortex :green_heart:

I was very excited about Guan Yu but then came Ferrus! Have 9 tonics so it will be ages before I can max the 2nd green! And Haulstone looks good on the card but I have plenty support heroes in my roster (I think)

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Guan Yu can also help maximize Skadi’s damage output.

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And I’ve got Ph Fogg for EDD! I might just toss a coin @Photon

Thanks for the advice

I’ve gone with the majority of the votes! Thanks everyone for taking the time to vote!

I have 10 tonics now and will be 11 after I complete a few more POV missions so Ferrus + Gang Yu will both get tonics at some point :green_heart:

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