I’ve been waiting on Tomes of Tactics, I have enough mats to level one or two 5* heroes of every color otherwise…and I finally got one after 5 weeks! Who would you suggest I level next? I have 34 5* heroes leveled and 24 at or close to 3-70 (pics below). Torben is the strongest waiting but my red and purple lineups are my strongest…debating him vs a green or yellow (Evelyn, Winifred, Nemesis, or Anne?) or Azurite or GPanther if I went with other colors but what say you? Poll below and welcome any comments/advice. I made it a pick two poll to help me pick my next one too
- Torben
- Evelyn
- Winifred
- Nemesis
- Anne
- Azurite
- G Panther
- Other (please note in comments)
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