Please stop tournment "cheat mode"

Yup… it happened again…
Guys and gals… if you don’t want your replies to be flagged (so annoying to see your response pending approval for hours, and in some cases, even being removed…) don’t use the words in this posts title… which are in quotes i.e. “forbidden_word mode”

Otherwise, you are wasting time posting responses which may not ever get seen by anyone else… and go into a black hole.

sigh… each passing year, life seems to be getting more difficult and complex… All I want to do is, just have fun playing a game… sheesh…

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Please record a video where this is the case. That shouldn’t be so hard or time-consuming to show…
Make sure you display all the relevant stats of your hero and the enemy hero in the video. It is a 4* tourney again so that is the perfect opportunity for it.


Special skills are colour neutral (unless otherwise stated on the hero card). If they were not, Lianna would have only done 50% damage. Lianna hits like a train. That is why she is a great sniper.

Yes I have her and she is great (although never defeat opponent’s hero by one shot when offences), just thinking about is 20% hidden buffs makes her OP on defences ?

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I don’t think she is overpowered but she is definitely a hero on defense where you have to watch her mana level and try to deal with her as a priority target. :thinking:

A couple of links for you that you may find informative:

the original damage calculation thread

And a summary of sorts from @Guvnor. linking to the above.

Mm…… She is not extremely overpowered in overall because max HP is low (without emblems added), but her special skill damaging power is really close to overpowered, and become fatal when 20% hidden buffs is added, that’s a bit balance breaking IMHO.

No sniper in the game is capable of O/S an equivalent level hero, even with defensive attack boost. In today’s meta snipers are the furthest away from being OP.

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That’s why I said she is not OP in overall, but special skill damaging power is OP grades.

Her skill is not OP either. As I said, snipe skills are the furthest away from being OP in the current meta regardless of the stats you pair them with.

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Well I’m not going to argue with you, just different point of view there….


It’s not a different point of view because your main premise

Is incorrect. She cannot O/S any equivalent hero in the game. A non emblem 4* might be possible.

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Whatever, you think she is not overpowered fine I respect your thoughts. Because I believe different people has different point of view and standard, and I don’t like to force people in same opinion with me. The real contribution to the forum (and also the game) is having different voices but harmony. Happy gaming man.


All good, and I agree in regards to all things which are subjective.

If you think Lianna is OP or close to OP in defense that is you perogative. My only point of contention was the concept that she is able to O/S in defense.

If such thing exists, I can imagine SG might have poor hero design (nothing new here)… than it being due to some “cheat mode”…

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Yep … It cheats you to lose by rigging the boards, reduces damage bc when flips to this mode the “god mode” Def is activated… you’ll notice it’ll chain tiles into specific heroes & the targeting attacks against you is aimed at specific heroes …. Call this “You Lose”

They want that but back, every gem you use means more likely to buy more, some bs but that’s the game.

A fresh tourney and 5/0 so far. But I guess the “ch eat” mode doesn’t start until late in day 2/early in day 3, right? Looking forward to seeing all this behaviour you talk about! (Which I didn’t see in the last tourney until my first loss at match 25, but fingers crossed it will happen earlier in this tournament!!!)

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First “quite often” really?

I’m playing this game for 4 years now. Would you have said this sentence 3 years back I would have said yes, love snipers. Back than a lianna on defense oneshoted pretty much everything and she was one of the best heroes to have.
Now with talents, limit break, costumes that’s nearly never the case. Snipers can be happy if they take half the hp from a hero with all those things.

Now looking at your special case.
Lianna vs khagan
Lianna is still a good sniper. We don’t know if limit broken, costume bonus , pretty sure with emblems when on defense, we don’t know the troop.
Now looking on khagan, not sure what your khagan looks like, but even with full emblems he has one of the weakest defense stats for 5*, similar to magni for example. My khagan with emblems has around 650 def. I have S1 heroes without anything with 150 more def and newer heroes with easy 3-400 more deff.
That results in far more damage, because the bigger the difference between attack stats and defense stats the more damage, but not linear.
If a difference from a factor 100 leads to 100hp more damage than a difference from 200 doesn’t lead to 200hp more but more likely 250. And the bigger the gap the faster those stats diverge.

So I would say lianna on defense without buffs OS a khagan is probably nothing I would say is fake.

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Love this! Thanks for the much needed laugh :joy:


RustyK, I am not talking about a video and a small sample, but we’ll over 100 documented raids.

As for your ‘explain to me’ question: how do you want me to comment on something I don’t even see? My guess - you lost and searched for reasons and just like every conspiracy theorist you came up with 'it’s manipulated oh wow - what would SG have to gain by manipulating the game? And do they decide on a whim? I presume you are aware that hundreds of thousands people are playing this game at every given moment. So…SG is employing people to manipulate games which does not benefit them in any way whatsoever? Or…maybe the devs,so often maligned devs, are bored and do it to…again, when it comes to a reason, you and all conspiracy theorists before you, fall flat. Case closed.