Come join in our team. We want strong and active players. We have 2 more spots available. Currently fighting a 12* titan. Required cups is 2200. Defense team should be 4K at least with 6 sets of attacking team for war. Lastly, we don’t want hoppers.
Hi, I’m 3200 powered, 1700ish trophy daily player. I I’ve started playing since April 6th. I’m looking for a new alliance as my current ones have only 10 people since I joined back in April. As I learn more about the game, I realize I need to be in a team where higher star Titans are available. Not to mention alliance war coordination. I’m available on most chat apps, plays every few hours before energy fills up except sleeping time. In 3mth+ my main team is cadmon 4/70,gormek 4/70, bloodtusk 3/60, Raffaele 3/65 and tyrum 3/50. I’ve mange to get to 46 level in the recently concluded path of Valor. I am F2p but I’m looking to get VIP and/or Valor if I’m in a progressive alliance. Hope you can consider my participation.
Hi Hamkaling! Thank you for reaching out to us and considering us! It seems that you have progressed a lot in this game within a short period of time. Really really congrats to that and just continue to persevere
There are a few Facebook groups on E&P. Maybe you can do a post there to find an alliance which will best suit you. My advice would be to be part of an alliance hitting 8 star titans, if possible. There’s a higher chance of getting epic ascension mats with that level up.
Keep at it and we wish you all the best!
Hi, thank you for taking the time to advice. I have found an alliance to join. Thank you and good day!
That’s great to hear! All the best and enjoy the game
We still have 4 slots open! Join us!
We fought a tough alliance and won! Check us out - Pinoy Invaders
We have 5 slots open
We have 4 slots open
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