October 2020 Balance Update - Discussion

I don’t have telluria myself, so i only can say that on defence she is way too strong. On offence i have no doubt she is good, but i Think she will still be more useful than vela After the nerf

Wrong sub

20 bla bla

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Development needs more time in beta testing to stop this nonsense of sale then nerf followed by outrage

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Lol no worries @Blord

I really wish it were different, but I’m perplexed by these new nerfs, which never went through BETA. Had they gone through beta, my feedback would have been something like this: I doubt we’ll see the huge shift away from Telluria that SG is hoping for. The reason is that even with the lower costs of emblems, and the 20% food/iron refund, it’s still very very expensive fo shift around.


The buff isn’t that significant lol

Apologies in advance if this was said better above, did not manage to read all 460+ comments above.

Couldn’t they roll out the emblem update, wait a while to see what impact that has on the Telly/Vela usage before hitting with this substantial nerf?

Emblems ARE an obstacle to people changing up their defense and some people have said they would change if it weren’t for the huge expense in resources.

The nerf on Telly’s healing and minion is severe and this nerf of Vela really does make her a sub-par 5* hero.

The buffs don’t really change much, Fenrir is a legit improvement. Baldur remains…meh. Heimdall was good, now slightly better. Does anything really change if Telly is replaced by 5-10 Heimdall tanks in the top 100? Still green tank dominance.

I am unhappy with the hero adjustments.

VERY Happy with the emblem adjustments, this IS an improvement worthy of applause
(well, feeling a little miffed about having spent a boatload of food and iron last night on a couple of advances to lvl 18 on my 5* roster).


Off topic slightly but just an FYI if you are looking for those, tc20 is a free source of s1 4* and 5* with a 5% chance for a 5* each “pull” the catch is it takes 2 days each time but it’s the best way of getting them for free, much better than ToL in my opinion.

Also hoarding epic hero tokens and using them at the seasonal events is good for a chance of a seasonal hero and if not a free chance at a s1 hero.

I can only see this as an improvement for ToL in my opinion

Give an one-time special reset token for Telluria and Vela to regain all emblems and 100% food/iron.


might not be, but its the principle of things. How about a buff to Leonidas? Alf certainly didnt need anything more.

The nerfs are not appreciated.



On and on we go! I’m pretty reasonable, a nerf was needed, they should have never been released in their original states. Genuinely thought the last balance nailed it though, this seems overkill.

I dunno, no rash decisions but I’ll see where I’m at by the end of the week, maybe time for a new game, I’d be sceptical about spending time or money developing a new defence team after this clusterfudge!


My biggest issue is that we are accepting a precedence that E&P can mess with character base stats on a whim. It won’t be long before season 3 hero’s are leveled and emblemed, found to be “too OP”, and then get nerfed as well.

Moving forward, how can we realistically plan where to invest our time and resources?

I was not happy with the first balance update, in principle, but at this point E&P has made clear this will be the standard moving forward. Pretty disappointing and I really hope they announce an end to balance updates.




Would you please just release 1 super reset token to the community.

Where you can get back the ascension materials, iron/food, and equivalent 4* trainer heroes for the equivalent experience and any invested emblems.

Everyone gets 1 token. That way if you built a particular hero just to counter vela/telluria you can reset too.

This ability to reset and gain back everything invested would make a major difference in players frustration, it would also create a future precedent in case this kind of thing happens in the future.


Stupid populism. Tell and Vela are beatable. GTV is beatable.

I don’t have Telluria, I work around that. I do have Vela +20. I use her in attack and defense. I verse her every day in raids.

I’ve balanced my blue squad around her, I tend to attack in a 4-1 stack. So every nerf affects my whole team, its synergy.

It takes a long time to build a synergistic team of the same colour 4 to 5 strong. There’s a heavy investment in emblems based on the individual talents of heroes.

I find it very hard to spontaneously adjust an entire squad every time a new nerf list comes out!

Fair enough a hero(ine) is too strong on release, there’s a nerf. But to do it like every month is a cruel joke!!


Because telluria has 4 Different Skills (minions, heal, damage against all enemies, mana slow + elemental link) Vela was good because of, First, her extra damage against fire. Then, because of the atk-down against all enemies. Now, both is Not really there anymore… 24% atk-down is almost nothing. And, at her release, it had been 54%!!


Give me six scopes six tonics two dblades and 2 tomes so I can ascend a replacement green and a replacement blue


As someone who owns and is also tired of fighting Telluria, I honestly understand the desire to change the meta completely. I actually support it to a degree as well.

I also believe, though, a large percentage of Telluria owners (myself included) would have chosen a different hero to ascend if she’d been released as she will be after this balancing. Given that fact, it would make sense to allow us to choose to reset her (and/or Vela) and recover the ascension items used. Gathering these items takes months, after all.

This would allow us to make an informed choice between Telluria and another nature hero, which we were unable to make before the changes. Some people would likely still keep her, but the rest of us could reset her and spend those items on someone who will better fit our play style going forward. It would also go a long way in smoothing over the animus within the player base; those who wanted Telluria balanced would be grateful for the change and her owners would feel “compensated.”


Outside of rush she’s relatively easy to get around, tweaking her defense by a few points is nothing drastic. I mean yeah they should be buffing other heroes but still happy that they’re changing these stats a bit