October 2020 Balance Update - Discussion

It was noted already that they were increased towards the end. Take a peak.


Do we get any ascension materials back cause vela sucks telluria sucks. iā€™d rather stockipile them instead. Might as well remove them from game next balance update ā€¦


This however WAY bigger issue.
ā€œLegends Summon: Rate to obtain Legendary Classic Hero decreased from 1.2% to 0.6%. Rate to obtain Legendary Past Hero of the Month (non-featured) increased from 0.3% to 0.9%.ā€

Was nice game for more than 3 years for me. They dont see one cent anymore. Not even VIP pass.

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I like how they said they will just continue to nerf them. Your idea is good, just let us pick our choice of 5* hero.

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Okay guys, Iā€™m going to break down the story of telluria/vela and why it was such a problem and how no one caught it.

Telluria dealt damageā€¦thatā€™s always been the problem. It wasnā€™t that she slowed down mana. Not at all. It was The fact that she slowed down mana enough to buy herself enough time to essentially do ursena 260% damage while healing and gaining minions. And those minions did damage too. Basically she did more damage than ursena plus other effects.

Iā€™m telling you right now, if you just put telluria back to Her original version, but remove her damage to all, and the attack from the minions she will instantly be balanced an all these problems will go
Away. Vela helping telluria survive isnā€™t as big of a deal anymore because telluria isnā€™t a threat in herself.

She would then do her job. She would slow own the fight to let the flanks/wings charge. All of this nonsense could have been solved months ago with that one change.

Sad that you screw the people who have previously spent money and time on your game just to please the newer people threatening to not spend money no loyalty


Glad I used my tonics on zeline. Glad I didnā€™t go with tell and take my emblems off Knight. Glad Knight is my tank.


What compensation?
20 wondering characters

So done with their excuses. I would respect SG more if they just outright said, ā€œwe need you guys to spend more trying to get different tanks bc no one is spending money since the Telluria/Vela releaseā€. Why another nerf to Vela? I donā€™t even attack with her anymore.

For anyone defending this, just think about how youā€™d feel if your hero was nerfed two/three times. Itā€™s just absurd at this point.


I guess Telluria is dead now. The new way of playing is to find unnerfed heroes, level and emblem them and play with them as long as they donā€™t get nerfed. After nerf, reset and choose another heroes.

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Can you explain your issue with this one please?


Are you kidding me yes she is still better than those heroes

Reminder that English is the official Forum language

No reduzcan mƔs el poder de Vela y Teluria :angry:

My heroes have been nerfed the same as yours.

Iā€™m defending it as it feels fine and at this point, entirely necessary.

So there you go, the end.


Iā€™m pretty much done with this game, between the constant nerfs to existing heroes and the direction this game is going iā€™m done. i have adjusted my spending to zero in the last few weeks and this just confirms it was the right decision, theres not much point to spending money in this game anyway more often than not you get a season 1 hero no mather when you do your pulls. HA10 isnt much help with that either once you have all the S1 heroes, oh goody a 95% chance, once a week to replace a useless s1 hero with another useless S1 hero. i havent even started this monthā€™s POV , i have no interest in what you guys have to offer anymore.

and the reason no one changed their defense after the last nerf was because of the millions of food and iron required to re-emblem a new hero. there was no need for more nerfs for telly and vela. i want 100% refunds on spent food and iron along with full refund of ascension materials and emblems for telly and vela not this 20% of the new much lower amount, what a joke of a compagny.


Maybe he is at the same point as i amā€¦ Started the game 4 months ago and therefore lack most of the classic 4* and 5* heroes. Legends summon was a good portal for us, and now is worse.
I dont complain though, i have enough heroes to work on for a whileā€¦

Guess many people used their tokens previously and regret doing so on lower odds.

Still, i donā€™t think they have the right to complaint.

They used them on their own accord.

You might be inclined to summon some extra S3 heroes :wink:

I hope not. Going back to purple and majority Ursena or Kunchen tanks doesnā€™t exactly sound exciting. Alfrike maybe but even with how strong she is her mana speed puts her at a disadvantage. And Zulag is too new for me to form an opinion on her being an really effective tank. Telluria and all other considerations aside, an all purple meta isnā€™t a good solution. Just trading green for purple or one of the other elements is a little short sighted on SGs part if thatā€™s where theyā€™re going.

Hahahaā€¦ Indeed
20 lulz