October 2020 Balance Update - Discussion

The balancing seemed to missed too many heroes, for example: Finley, Frigg, Ursana and Kilhare.


I agree. I think we donā€™t really need a power cut from those heroes. I mean I can beat them whit the actual abilityā€™s. ok, sometimes hardly and sometimes easily. And I am not even in a close to top ranked players. So my opinion donā€™t need any power cut. They are medium hard to take them out.

And donā€™t forget 20 million food and 8 million iron to put emblems back on.

@Petri: emblems are the problem. Telluria and Vela are not hard to beat. These heroes are not getting swapped out not because they are so powerful, but because to swap them out, you have to upset the entire synergy of your team, and who is going to swap out 3 or 4 or all 5 heroes, and reset emblems on 3 or 4 or 5 heroes? That literally can take half a year or more to accomplish.

Emblems are the problem.

Stop with the nerfs!!!


I wonder if they will nerf Finley, Killhare, Jabber and Frigg now that they donā€™t have any other heroes to compete with and all high accounts will contain them.

I also wonder if they will nerf s3 heroes after 8 months.


We had purple tanks war before last. We won it but it was left fieldā€¦I forgot how much I hate Kunchen.

But guess what! It was different and it was fun. I got to use my second yellow team thatā€™s not seen play since a no Purple 4* event :joy:

At this point the game needs a shake up. They should have gone this hard at the start and just got it over and done with.

The change to cost of emblems is huge IMHO. Be interesting to see what the Top 100 does now.

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Balance updates are Not bad. But unfortunately, most are useless. But i have to say, Not every Update is bad and destroys heroes, They also Buff lots of heroes. They will have their reasons even most of us Players donā€™t understand them now

I think the use of telluria and vela in formations doesnā€™t have to do with how op they are. Rather those are the only heroes that most people have.


A game should be constantly monitored and changed as and when itā€™s needed to be. A hero that is too good should get clipped back and ones that are too poor should be boosted.

Iā€™m all in favour of this and want to see more of it. Make S1 more relevant (beyond Joon and Sartana), tweak S2 as needed - the change to Atmos was great, made him viable againā€¦

Leaving a game to grow stale is the worse evil here.

People just need to see changes more frequently so they stop being such big ā€œshocksā€

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This is never ending story. I think itā€™s like 0-1 situation, these heroes may be only OP or completely useless. This time I think Telluria is going to be dead and unplayable like Justice. People will be complaining about Telly a lot and the only way to keep them quiet is to give them their tonics back. If I knew what would happen in future I would go with Heimdall instead of Telly. Now Iā€™m extremely disappointed and heartbroken.

And yeah, for almost two weeks I play other heroes instead Telluria and there is no difference or it even works better for heroes with fast/very fast mana on tank. I wish more people have tried that before SG decided to completely ruin Telluria.

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Itā€™s to be expected that there will be nerfs every so often if a game is around long enough, but they should be rare, and everything should be done to avoid having to do them at all. With these two heroes, the exact opposite has been done. Theyā€™ve been nerfed every few months over a relatively short amount time. Itā€™s ridiculous, and the reason itā€™s being done is really annoying. Theyā€™re trying to make these two heroes suck, so their owners will stop using them. Thatā€™s really like a slap in the face to players who donā€™t have large rosters with a lot of the best heroes in the game but were lucky enough to get one or both of these heroes. Itā€™s not like itā€™s easy to get the really good heroes in the game. Then you finally do, and they destroy themā€“little by little over serval months with the possibility of more to come. Iā€™ve said this before, but it bears repeating: just get rid of both of them and give the people who have them the choice of any other old HotM. That would be far less frustrating than the endless nerfs that seem to be leading to both having 0 for all stats and doing 0% damage.


I still donā€™t get why the company canā€™t just release some good tanks over the past few months instead of nerfing and making people unhappy. Sad Velaā€¦

The main issue isnā€™t Telly is too powerful, the issue is other tank stats are TOO weak. Release a few tanks of different color, and you satisfy BOTH sides.


One more thing re. Vela. Sheā€™s an AoE/DoT heroine. Not splash damage.

I donā€™t give a damn about her direct damage. I like piling up the DoT, stacking water, poison and fire if I can. Damage over time is her talent, I donā€™t even care about the extra damage to red.

Her DoT is whatā€™s hit the hardest in this nerf. Outrageous.

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Yeah @Cheds, I definitely agree that a shake up is needed. Before Telly purple was the norm for war tanks at least in the alliances I was in and faced so it too got stale. I just would like to see a meta not ruled by one color (or hero) to really keep it different. Some new additions to gameplay would be beneficial as well. Hope all is good at Jesters and that you guys are kicking ā– ā– ā–  man!

hands offā€¦ leave telly and vela the way they areā€¦ all those $&%$%$% player should stop nagging about telly and vela and start learning to fight them with the heroes they have, pffff

SG is ruining the game as we speak. You guys call this a balance? what a jokeā€¦

Make Noor better, that would be a good startā€¦


A bit disappointed the balance team went further in this direction instead of simply addressing the overwhelming base stats of Telluria.

On the bright side, it seems the balance team is actually monitoring raid/war stats, so perhaps necessary changes will be done more frequently.


This is the key questionā€¦ how the hell are you hoping to have room for all that ham and iron


Very simple solution to all this people need to stop spending money on the game.
I stopped after they nerfed telli for the first time
There are much stronger and harder heroes out there, itā€™s a joke and an insult to people who have paid their money.


IMO S&G have completely bi-passed the loyalty of the consumer. Instead of offering a blanket gift to all players in the game(Which Iā€™m sure theyā€™re thoroughly enjoying) create an incentive for current Telly/Vela owners? Yes I have both. Offer multiple reasons for current owners to either turn in the players or have a reduced tier Vela or Telly. Some players would turn them in for adequate compensation. Some would take partial adequate compensation for taking a less aggressive route. Ie: max the emblem tier at 10? And some might choose to take zero Comp and just leave them alone without completely destroying their heroā€™s with no sense of control. It should help balance the game and create more diversity at tank? Just my 2 cents.

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Telluria & Vela Adjustments

Telluria and Vela are still, once again based both on our metrics and player feedback, too powerful when compared to the other top tier heroes. Despite the previous balancing passes, their use rate on Diamond Tier raids is much higher than what it should be. We believe that even the best heroes should not be present in the notable majority of defense or attack formations ā€“ and Telluria is, at worst, present in three out of four defense formations!

To address the issue weā€™re making further adjustments to the Special Skills of Telluria and Vela. These changes are necessary for the game balance and if they are not effective enough, we will continue doing similar changes in the future too.

Dear @Petri

The reason people use Telluria and Vela so much in defense is not because each hero is so incredibly over strong.

The reason, is because it takes way too long, and way too many resources, and possibly also way too much money in order to MAKE CHANGES to a defensive set up.

Youā€™ve ruined the game with emblems.

Emblems are why things are stagnant.

The problem is not any one or two individual heroes.

Please start to understand this!!!


So they continue to nerf Tell and Vela and buff all of the Valhalla heroes which are are available for pulls soonā€¦ So obviously about raising more Ā£ rather than fixing issues. Utter BS more determined to be f2p than ever