October 2020 Balance Update - Discussion

So I support the emblem increase and food/iron decrease for embleming heroes as most do. Why are we nerfing Vela/Telly for a 3rd? 4th time? This latest nerf makes Telly a joke, and Vela most definitely does not need further nerfing.

Why are S3 heroes that are already powerful getting buffed? This doesn’t make sense.

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Y’all need to buff other hotm and old hero’s. Don’t just buff season 3 hero’s for my money. Make actual balance changes and not money changes. This is coming from a guy with plenty of season 3 hero’s. You’re losing more people by the day. There is so many balance changes needed across the board. This is sad.


Frigg is nice but green tanks are dead

Purple is back

Alfrike= zulag> ursela> kuchen

Alfrike owns the new fast mana war
Zulag is just a better version of kuchen

It’s for the good of the game. Break up the same boring defenses we always see. If you’re good, you can make adjustments. Easier access to emblems will help. Thank you for not putting this in beta. The screaming would have hurt my ears :wink:


Greatest Con job ever!


One more thing…if you want them to pay attention to their CUSTOMERS:

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Bs. Telluria is the reason why people leaving. Play without her.


next time you get a good hero, hush don’t say anything, don’t use it a lot, so the crybabies don’t ask for modifications, if you discover you have a good hero don’t say so, that’s how this game works . They want to settle for some useless emblems, return the money that was used to obtain those heroes … Instead of cheering the player away, they ruined Telluria what more will they do to fight


You did all of this just to make the players pay more money to get Season III Heroes !!!

Your greediness will never stop ever


Yea, I know what you meant. Which is why my post wasn’t intended to specifically attack you, but rather attack the argument. If someone has no alternative for Telly and feel that him being good/top player all depended on pulling her, it means their place was undeserved in the first place. I have Tell, Vela, GM. I lived on them mostly for half a year. I am fine they are getting nerfed because I have alternative, as every high tier player should. And the idea that my raids and wars are going to get less frustrating is really making up for the need to spend some time on rearranging my defense, if that’s even needed.

Sorry, I did not mean to insult you directly, just referring to the common argument I see from a lot of people that “she was my only good tank and now I have no tank”. And as for personal achievements, I was top 1 quite few times this year, topping 3093 trophies, and my alliance was top 1 also last month, so… :wink: But really glad for you, just don’t accuse others without having any background.

I didn’t want to boast about my roster, it’s just no game should allow you to be able to pull one certain hero and suddenly get to play among the top, while not having such hero mean your way up would be completely ruined. I know alliances that did not even allow people who did not have Telluria and it was nuts, and I am glad these times are going to an end.

Be happy that right now it should be easier for you to gain trophies actively, or at least fight some more interesting battles, when you are raiding. Still getting the diamond loot, still getting to think about heroes you are going to pick etc. ‘The defense meta’ where it was your defense passively getting your trophies to certain level, but then making your own attacks often feel unwinnable and unfair, is hopefully going to change soon… As for me, I prefer having fun when raiding, over “having fun” when someone else is raiding me and I don’t even get to see it.


The only thing I want to know is I hope only telly/vela owners only got the compensation as its bull if everyone does

Lol what an odd way to show appreciation for a sign of appreciation.

Highly disappointed with the announced changes.

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As good as a Kadilen costume or a Magni costume? No way. Not even as good as a Richard costume or Elkanen.

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So, if you guys want people to use other heroes, why not boost the other heroes instead of nerfing Telluria and Vela a hundred times? Give people something good instead of taking something away.


Dear SG,
Have you ever thought about that your revenue is becoming much lower because you do things like these? Why do you think that people will start chasing the new shiney/buffed season III heroes if you can nerf them to death? I was a P2W player in the beggining of this year, after the 2nd Tell/Vela nerf I bought only VIP/POV. Now I changed to F2P.
Thank you SG for nerfing our spendings.
Good luck to you.


Yeah I’ve put up with alot in this game, but I’m thinking this is about it.
I’ll take my money and time back, SG can keep the emblems.


It was really more my lack of appreciation, because sometimes absence of commentary doesn’t convey an accurate level of disappointment.

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I get what you’re saying @PooFlingerJr, but this is the place to state your displeasure :+1:

You’re very welcome to provide civil feedback including disappointment, outrage and frustration as long as it’s within rules and on-topic.

I can’t get too worked up about this. I run a Telly tank team for raid defense (Misandra/GM/Telly/Drake/Seshat), but I never leveled either of my Velas. Just had better options in both Ice heroes and druids, imo. I wouldn’t mind seeing less GTV in raids and wars, but I’ve already found my ways of success against them beofre this nerf. I’m just bored with seeing them all the time. So anything to mitigate that is a welcome change in my book.

I’m happy for my alliance as well because only about a third of us have Telly and less have the two together. We rotate colors on our war tanks so this doesn’t affect us as much. Telly is still a plus tank in the game with this nerf and Vela will still be used in conjunction. Just maybe not as much. Sucks for those that really pulled for them, but we will all get by.

So will all the emblems in this pov be doubled?

I’m on lvl17 now, and lvl18 will currently give me 40 emblems. If I wait until Wednesday to get to pov lvl18, will I then get 80 emblems? If so, I guess I won’t be doing any daily challenges today or tomorrow.