🏯 [Oct 2020] Ninja Tower Event - FAQ & Discussion

Note 99% of these questions are already answered in the OP to which you’re responding… Please read twice before asking.

Yes. As stated in the OP.

Removed as an option AFTER the battle finishes… So you will not be able to use them in future Ninja Tower event teams.

Literally stated in the first couple lines of the OP… Every 2nd month.

Answered several times. Heroes can be used as many times as you like, provided they DO NOT get cursed 2x times.


Yes. it seems that way.

As far as you can get :stuck_out_tongue: Most beta testers didn’t bother finishing as it gets really really repetitive… It’s not that they COULDN’T finish, just that we all got bored.

Thanks, will fix shortly.

Yeah, I have to update now. I copied from the beta beat thread which was slightly behind on that table. :slight_smile:

Answered previously. The curse sticks.

Each charge is treated as 100% mana. So if you’re at 105% and apply a 20% mana cut it goes back to 85% mana.
Similarly, in order to fully charge a Ninja Hero using a Super Mana Potion, you need to apply 3x of them. First will go to 1x charge (100% Mana), Second to 2x charge (200% mana) and third to 3x charge (300% mana).

Not 100% sure on this one. Don’t recall it being seen / spoken about in beta…