Okay, went with Gill-Ra. Of course she couldn’t take a special hit from Domitia, even with attack down from Scarlett, but up to this she was really helpful.
So my lineup was Skittles 3/60, Scarlett +4, Sabina +10, Kelile 3/60 and Gill-Ra +4.
Lost with Skittles dead and Dom and Scarlett had less than 700 HP (and I had no good combo on their side, Dom was ready to fire), so I paid the continue - *** second one today. I think I could have done it without continue with better items. Next time. Okay, maybe next time I have a better team, but that was something I already said last time^^
Trainer goes to Richard, emblems will be stocked, because I’m still out of iron and food. And I don’t know if I will emblem up Scarlett and Sabina further, I think, Scarlett and Gill-Ra can go to 7 and the rest is for the heroes to be maxed
Ahhhh forgot about the reset: I think one will be used for my Cyp +11, when my 5* team for defense is ready. I’ll give him back emblems to +4, but I need the paladin emblems for other heroes, Falcon is only +1 atm.