No more "free" items in the game!

Here we go again.

I only had to tap on today’s spring offer to receive 5 tornadoes, 5 super mana potions, a titan flask, a raid flask and WE flask. What an insult!

Is it too much to ask to make us pay for them? What is our credit card for?!

At least make them available only if we have spent $500 or more during the last calendar month! Or better yet, replace it with a $1,000 offer for 100k gems, a 5* aether, a 4* ascension material and a food crate. ANYTHING ELSE THAN THIS!

While we’re at it, why can we farm crafting materials if battle items can be bought in the shop for a hilariously high amount of gems? Farming should be prohibited!

Likewise, why do we receive ascension materials, aethers and free pulls from chests, titans, tourneys and events? There are offers for that! Remove all loot from the game!

E&P is blatantly and disgustingly designed to favor f2p players, who get all the best heroes from TC20 - which shouldn’t even be a thing, I hate when I get an OP S1 5* I could’ve paid for - and from the tons of free pulls they get. Not to mention they’re all limit broken due to the plethora of aethers they receive from the alliance quest’s awesome rewards. I just can’t stand it! Cancel TC20 and HA10!

So few new heroes have been released lately that top 100 alliances are now entirely f2p. You could buff them regularly, but no, I’m stuck with Faline, who only autocleanses and deals 330% damage to 3 at fast speed. Or Agrafena, who merely buffs my team with +145% attack, +54% defense and heals it for 1428 HP. Give me Obakan instead!

Lastly, we should not be allowed to log in before having been charged $10. I am SO tired of being able to play for free!

If I’m not broke within the next few weeks, I’m quitting the game. You’ve been warned SGG!


There goes the game economy…
This will definitely be a priority in the May Balance Update leading up to the Sand Empire event.

There is a high probability that within the first 10 posts someone takes this seriously.


Warning: this thread contains irony! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


More sarcasm than irony.


I suggest a long convoluted argument over the definition until it gets personal, thus making this a perfectly average thread :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Seriously! They should make gems only available from the shop and make our rewards award negative gems, like… aren’t we supposed to pay for all the good stuff we get from chests?


How’s this for an answer :joy:

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I was concerned that the guy from last week was doing an encore… But i appreciate the humor behind this.


Would love to get a @moderators option to either merge this thread to the pre-existing thread of the same name or just have it removed for spam or added to the master list for venting/complaints.


I hope SG gives us 5 common herbs because of threads like this

:joy::rofl: will wait for more response. Should be interesting

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It’s all in fun… but it does get to be a bit much. Maybe a “closes in 5 hours” tag on it would work.

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This really belongs in the Ridiculous Complaints thread.

Kudos to the OP for living up to the spirit of that thread.


I know right. If I can’t get the best, I’d rather get the worst or not get anything!

If my one summon doesn’t get me Finley’s costume, I’d rather just get a Dawa. At least Dawa I can feed away - if I get a pitiful Thorne, I’d have to worry about saving him for SE, using up a precious hero slot (those things are expensive!) !!!

Similarly, if Mystic Vision doesn’t give me an EHT and a D-Blade, I’d rather not watch it at all - 3 gems would just be a waste of my precious 30 seconds!


We just have similar names. Totally agree to merge this thread please @Dudeious.Maximus our favorite mod

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I checked, and you’re right! Edited my previous comment to reflect this. Names are quite similar so it did throw me off for sure lol.

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You nailed it. My faith in humanity is rapidly dwindling. :joy:


This is genius! Even better than removing loot entirely. :joy:


Well damn, I wasn’t aware of this thread. 99% of all topics belong there, actually. Except that most of them are serious.


Worry not, none of this is to be taken seriously. I actually appreciate being given free items. I was just poking some fun at the thread asking to remove gifts from the seasonal calendar. I thought it was abudantly clear, but apparently I was wrong.

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