Ninja Troop Tower Summon

Would appreciate the veterans guidance: I’ve managed to gain 71 epic troop coins by seeing commercials and accomplishing missions during the last 5-6 months. Should I use all the 71 coins to summon at the ninja troop tower or is there a better special event tower which worth waiting for?

If you’re looking for feeders, might as well use them now

If you want magic/styx troops then you can wait an indefinite amount of time.

Or something else could change one day.

I used all of my tokens.


Thank you Ruskin505. For Statistics, my results from 71 draws were:
1 ice epic ninja troop
2 fire epic ninja troops
2 nature epic ninja troop
3 epic holy troop
1 epic ice troop
2 epic dark troop

To Summarise, out of 71 draws:
5 ninja troop
6 epic troop

60 rare troop

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59 Summons - 1 Ninja Troop

It was my 4th Red Ninja and I still don’t have any Purple :cry:

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Hi everyone. I’m doubting about using my ETCs here. I already have 2 red epic ninja troops, 1 green and 1 blue.
I have Malum in my roster too. My only ninja hero.

My question is. Are these ninja troops worth summoning for?

Or should I wait for the Styx tower to come back? I believe it’s happening in a foreseeable future.

Please, I need some advice.

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Aba2008, I used over 100 ETTs in the previous Ninja summons but that was only for the purpose of levelling up specific 4 *s to level at which I could convert them to legendary troops. Ninja, Magic, and Styx portals all give better odds of 4 * s. 3&4 * troops can be fed to 4 *s and 1 and maybe 2 * troops can be fed to legos. Players with developed bases all have abundant Iron

My current store of 11 ETTs won’t get any of my 4 * s up to conversion threshold so I’m going to defer pulls until a better portal appears or the pulls will get a 4* ready for conversion.

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Thx. I will use my tokens then.

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:+1: Whatever works, For most players a priority will be to gain levelled lego troops with a possible secondary priority of gaining preferred 4 * s, which in some cases may be converted anyway.