Ive got 82 ETTs and only 4* troops in only two colors.
Do i use these now during Ninja event or wait for magic tower(whenever that is)?
Ive got 82 ETTs and only 4* troops in only two colors.
Do i use these now during Ninja event or wait for magic tower(whenever that is)?
Wait for magic tower, it should be there in just under a month
You mean ETT instead of EHT?
Yes, edited the post. Thanks
Will it fall under the next pov as well?
because of the mana-gain I stopped leveling ninja troops and leveled first my Mana-, Magic- and Styx-troops as soon as I got them.
Ninja troops are good only for titans and very fast/charge heroes (on defense)
Wait for Mage or Styx tower. I would go for the Styx ones.