Options (I have 1000+ emblems for both classes):
My maxed yellow 5* :
And all maxed(almost) healers:
I was thinking about Hanitra but I always like to hear opinion from other people.
- Joon
- Hanitra
- Vivica
0 voters
Options (I have 1000+ emblems for both classes):
I was thinking about Hanitra but I always like to hear opinion from other people.
0 voters
Hanitra for sure, fast hero with dodge,
How many derts do you have?
I don’t know Hani. I wasn’t a big fan of Joon or Viv without the costume. With? Both are very usable.
If you are thinking Hani, take to 3-70 and do some testing. You can drop cups some and raid ok defenses. It can give you an idea how they will be max, with emblems.
I’d wait for Kara. Everyone’s saying she’s going to be awesome
The problem is I’m spending only in BF portal so I might not get her with free pulls and if I would get her I will probably have next 2 darts before I finish one of those.
And I think that she will be awesome, taunt is great ability.
Shes got a pretty low stats as compared to other taunters but lets see how she will perform
Hanitra is a good hero for a yellow stack.
Poseidan can fill the role of Joon and you have Lady Sheep as a good healer.
Also Bai Yeong for the blind and Gullinbursti for heal/overheal and a bit of damage.
Save our darts for something more “useful” - unless you have, say, 18 darts