Next yellow 5* project (Poll)

Options (I have 1000+ emblems for both classes):

My maxed yellow 5* :

And all maxed(almost) healers:

I was thinking about Hanitra but I always like to hear opinion from other people.


  • Joon
  • Hanitra
  • Vivica

0 voters

Hanitra for sure, fast hero with dodge,

How many derts do you have?



I don’t know Hani. I wasn’t a big fan of Joon or Viv without the costume. With? Both are very usable.

If you are thinking Hani, take to 3-70 and do some testing. You can drop cups some and raid ok defenses. It can give you an idea how they will be max, with emblems.

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I’d wait for Kara. Everyone’s saying she’s going to be awesome


The problem is I’m spending only in BF portal so I might not get her with free pulls and if I would get her I will probably have next 2 darts before I finish one of those.

And I think that she will be awesome, taunt is great ability.

Shes got a pretty low stats as compared to other taunters but lets see how she will perform

Hanitra is a good hero for a yellow stack.

Poseidan can fill the role of Joon and you have Lady Sheep as a good healer.

Also Bai Yeong for the blind and Gullinbursti for heal/overheal and a bit of damage.

Save our darts for something more “useful” - unless you have, say, 18 darts