I’ve created a android calculator app “Empires & Puzzles Calculator”. This app basicly does some handy calculations answering these questions for you:
-How much time and resources will it take me to level a hero/troop? What if I use a different level of my Training Camp/Hero academy?
-How much time and resources will it cost me to build out buildings?
-How much resources do I generate per hour/day, so how much resources can I spend?
The app is available in google play store for android. It is a work in progress, if you have any input on what to add to this app or how it can be generally improved, feel free to leave comments here.
If there is a lot of interest, I consider translating the app to apple.
I am planning on adding features in the app to calculate the chance of pulling a hero, eg
-chance of pulling specific hero
-chance of pulling hero of a certain element
-chance of pulling any 5 star hero
etc… Combined with how many pulls you do, and how much gems/coins/money this would cost.
Is there interest in these kind of information being easily calculated in an app?
Unfortunately, developping for android and iOS or websites is not compatible, and making it for iOS would mean recreating the whole app from scratch, and would cost a bit to put online. I am waiting now to see if there is enough demand from the community to verify if it’s worth the effort and money to also make it available for iOS
I am working on it. The app got taken down because of google play store policy (because the name of the app “Empires & Puzzles calculator” was too similar to the name of the game “Empires & Puzzles”, for which it calculates). Anyway, I’m working around this making the name and icon a little bit more different.
A new and improved version of the app should be ready soon. Because of some personal computer issues with android studio, it’ll probably take 1-2 weeks. I will post in this topic when the new version of the app is available
Best regards,