New players of Empires and Puzzles, don’t spend any money

I was just telling some of our F2P players that simply moderating the spending to start is fine. I would recommend doing six 10x epic troops summons as soon as your barracks becomes available. I also recommend Four 10x Event summons at some point and that ought to give you a fairly good jump up on having decent heroes as well as decent troops to develop. It will make F2P from that point on a whole lot more enjoyable.

Have you heard of Coppersky’s Compendium (game guide)? I highly recommend it, and it’s free:

As regards the argument that one shouldn’t spend money here:

When my husband and I go out to the movies…2 tickets, large popcorn, large soda and candy cost easily $40. Two dates is more than I ever have spent here, yet I enjoy this game more, and certainly have spent faaaar more time here than I do at the movies.

The best deal right now for new players imho is the $4.99/mo for 900 gems, second builder, and extra summons. If I were a new player, I would want to figure out the game and ask other players about good deals before spending…but I think it’s silly to say “don’t spend! [at all]”…how else does the game keep going? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Actually, the main problem I think is that devs can’t guarantee anything. They even tell everybody that they can’t guarantee anything, they draw grafitty on walls, gather communities, speaking in UN… etc… that they can’t guarantee anything. Do you know why they can’t guarantee anything? I will tell you that they can’t guarantee anything, because they don’t want to even try to make that system better to guarantee anything. I played a lot of games, not very much but a lot, and I didn’t see something of that anywhere. It’s my first :slight_smile: game where devs proudly yelling loudly that THEY CAN’T GUARANTEE ANYTHING :smile: :smile: :smile: Even after simple question “if i will spend 10000$ …” there are simple proud answer “we can’t guarantee anything, because even we don’t know how our system works, you can spend 10000$ and receive nothing or you can finish three 5* heroes in a row in first just finished lvl20 camp” (after word “because” it’s of cource my interpretation :joy::wink:). SO!! Don’t wait of guarantee anything cause they don’t guarantee anything :crazy_face:

The thing about RNG is it’s all about luck and randomness. This is what always comes to my mind when I think about RNG


It’s not because the devs don’t know because they “don’t know how their system works.” Quite the opposite, the do know that all these pulls come from the RNG, and therefore are inherently uncontrollable—at least from the perspective of any single user. They can confirm that the drop rates overall are as intended, but any particular user might not get good rolls from the RNG. This is a different level of uncertainty than you imply exists.

There have been ideas floated—by me and others—to have less uncertainty. For example, if you do x Elemental Summons, then you are sure to get a 4*; if you do y summons, you’re sure to get a 5*. Recognize though that the devs have a target release rate, so any insurance like this will result in a down-tweak in the % drop rate to balance. This insurance idea therefore benefits P2W accounts.


K-doc, thank you. You mentioned “target release rate” which is what I have been calling the devs business plan.

This is nefarious plan those greedy devs put in place to grab your money. A business plan.

For the young, giving away something that will get you to buy something related goes back (for me) to radio which got you to buy records.

Everything that happens in E&P will relate to the target release. An example is nerfing mercs as they lead to inflated releases.

Nothing personal, just business.

Do you realy think that most people care about how ••• system works? I don’t think so. They only want fair opportunities. For example: let’s place 10 people in a row, then will give them exactly same coin, they will throw a coin with equal power many times and will recieve “smallgiant” results (head/tail): 3 people 50/50, 3 people 100/0, 3 people 0/100, 1 person 0/0 and 100% rib ^†^. Looks normal or even possible? :slight_smile: So same in the game, people have equal gems, but somehow someone recieve everything (good drop i mean) and someone nothing (nothing i mean :smile:). This is fair? AND CONCLUSION!!! We have 2 camps. First, who recieve everything and now proudly telling to others that it’s RNG, that’s all cool, you don’t understand etc… and second, who recieve nothing and of course they complain on that ••• (also third camp - they have 50/50 and keep quiet). One person spent 10000 gems and recieved all event heroes and some other good heroes, another person spent 10000 gems and recieved only merlyn, 1 good hero and garbarge… Understood my point now? I wasn’t telling about some insurance. I think people only want fair and smooth system, and that’s all.
P.S. How much % dropped game from new year? 20-40%?

If I understand your post, you’re saying that with a fair and balanced RNG there will be people like yourself complaining that they were in the (expected, predictable) bad tail of the distribution on the forums, even though the vast majority are getting outcomes nearer the middle of the distribution. I agree. It’s just like Yelp reviews: few people bother to write Lit was okay” reviews, but are motivated to post strong reactions, good or bad.

But I’m not sure how this observation proves your point.


Oh, that wasn’t complaining :slight_smile: I am just told how it is and looks like. Now I really don’t care about good drop or good heroes, i am tired to wait or expect something. Just playing a little while it’s not annoy a lot. Tomorrow will accidentally sneeze and delete the game :slight_smile: … all could be. And I won’t even be upset. I believe a lot of people change their good attitude to total indifference. That’s why I asked about left people, how much % dropped? A lot of known people left, just wanted to know how massive it is?

We need to know is there any program or system that after spending how much then we will be pulling out a 5 stars or hotm. Please be transparent, it helps us and the games.

There isn’t. It’s random. No guarantees. You might get lucky, or you might not. Just like buying a lottery ticket.

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I wouldn’t discourage new people to not spend money based on disappointment. I would only discourage people from spending money they don’t have. I’m a fairly new player and have spent a lot of money on this game because I am blessed to have extra to spend. If people have expendable income and enjoy the game then I say more power to them. If they don’t have the extra income, then they shouldn’t spend a dime.


Great advice—have a monthly budget, stick to it. It’s WAY too easy to get frustrated, buy a stack of extra gems, and blow through them. Then you see the emailed bill in your inbox…

It’s not a matter of spending nothing or whatever it takes. Wisely deploying $5-$10 per month can make this game much more enjoyable.


A lesson from another thread:


I get the feeling that some players believe that there must be benefit them in some substantial way. I don’t spend a large amount of money in the game, I did buy the valentine special because it let’s my alliance that I appreciate them. But I spend less in this game in a month than I tip in a day. But those that work and develop the game, are providing a service for our enjoyment. You don’t get to go back to the waitress/supermarket bag boy/bellhops/valets to get additional services from them, nor should you expect more from your coin once it’s spent.

to be honest , only loser who suggest people not to spend money.

well i am relative new player (4 month) and i spent for this game , regret ? no for sure. sometimes i spent hundred or thousand dollar for drinking and flirting with my colleages. its for entertaiment , nothing wrong with it. unless you dont have that money and you used your future saving for this games.

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Reviving an old thread to insult people. You sir, deserve a medal for that.

first , its not me who revive old thread , it revived before i post.
second , just say in general and not for you , cool dude

Fair, I dunno? I spent for some gems today… and this was the outcome. Plus I got 4 of the kitty cats along with these…Spend, don’t spend. It’s all luck of the draw


Yeah got Alice too. Didn’t spend a nickel :slight_smile:

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