New player. Looking for an active alliance

Hi. My name is Bogdan. I’ve started playing this game on December last year and I’m hooked. I’m currently LV 33 with 1600-1700 trophies. Im not a big spender, besides vip and a few offers here and there. I have 3695 defense power,and almost 2 teams of rainbow 4 * heroes… I’m currently working on having 6 teams of 4* heroes for wars and titans ( this is my goal for about a year of what’s to come) .
I’m looking for an active alliance, I do participate in wars and I’m active everyday, hitting titans and using all the flags for chests and farming on 8-7 all day besides important quests. I’m willing to learn and grow . Thanks


Please check our alliance Always Room for Jell-O.

We might be a good fit for you


Check Rebel Forces (leader andrie).

We are a “school” alliance for helping people to grow up and learn everything. Me myself included, I learned everything there. We’ll be waiting for you ^^

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Sinister 13 Beginnings is a “trainer” alliance for the larger Sinister 13 family of alliances. Check them out if you get a chance. (I am not affiliated with them other than having a nice chat with their leader one day.)

Best of luck in your E&P journey. It will be a fun one.

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Firstly, welcome to the forum community.

@Cyber started Kiwi Academy to specifically help new players… If you’re an active daily player you’ll do well.

There’s a mixture of veteran and newer players who have grown in confidence since joining. Mythic Titan spawning soon, so could be a perfect time to join. Currently chaining 11* Titans, and the expectation is to use all flags.

GL in your E&P journey.


Thanks you all for replying. I will check them out. Thank you

Check out Bearcats, we could be exactly what you are looking for. Almost all of us have started here from the beginning, very helpful and friendly. One spot left open.

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