New holy and fire projects POLL

I’m finishing Hanitra and Russel right now. I want to start new projects after them but I can’t decide which ones. This is for roster depth.

Maxed holy:


  • C.Joon
  • Second Gullinbursti
  • Second G.Jackal
  • Scoratek

0 voters

Maxed fire:


  • Ferant
  • Zhou Yu
  • Maheegan
  • Second Aodhan
  • Second G.Falcon

0 voters

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Nice heroes Radar. I chose 2nd Gullinbursti only because with a lot of the events and for war depth, healers are invaluable. If you don’t go that way I’d do C Joon. Red’s pretty easy, ferant is best available.

Cheers friend!


Thank you. I have enough healers for wars and events except the new one where you can use only 1 element heroes. I don’t have enough heroes to complete it anyway so I will go with c.Joon but Gullin will be next.

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generally I think a new unique hero is more helpful than a dupe. generally.

I chose Ferant because he’s a beast on offense, though admittedly I am not so familiar with Maheegan and Zhou Yu. Still, I think Ferant’s riposte and mana cut are top notch

for Yellow, I went Scoratek. the passives are good and the fiends are useful. C-Joon was close but Poseidon is already there for snipe, and Bai can also blind.


I think its funny how some of the names are the same as in the English version and others they translate. It’s like they cannot make up their minds or something.

Need more healers for the covenant event. Holy is coming up