NEW DIGITAL Empires and Puzzles Calendar of Events now accessible thru the web (Google Calendar & .iCal Formats)

Same as here, SnowyNinja

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That looks great.
Is it possible to also save the file in a format that can be accessed by open access software, into a spreadsheet equivalent to a wp Rich Text Format file or something similar?


Also, can someone say when the last time there were troop summons for Ninja, Magic and Styx?
It seems they are overdue. :thinking:

I don’t know anything about exporting calendars I’m sorry, but i just looked and the last tower with a troop summon was back in November(correct me if I’m wrong)

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iCal is already an open data format. Have a quick look at Google, plenty of solutions to convert it to a spreadsheet-compatible format (search “iCal to CSV” for example).

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