Not quite, but still a lot…
The figures you are quoting are 3 months old.
We may not make 200 new Heroes but we’re already past 100 costumes.
Finally I had time to update the OP with the latest released / unreleased heroes / dragons.
Few corrections to the unreleased list:
Caelen, Dima were already released
Fergus, kolya belong to garrison
Armand moncharin was released
C. Lughaidh was released
Yup, I got mine Caelen 4 months ago
And he wasn’t new then!
Thx, I have fixed these.
If my counting is not flawed, then today we reached 250 released heroes and costumes in this year, including Swiftpaw as number 1205?
Release rate decreased lately to “only” 1 hero/costume every 27 hours. Estimate number for the end of the year is now 1282 (77 more than today).
This is NOT including dragons!
I believe there’s a slight typo there - should read 250.
2024 Heroes / Costumes by month - as at 7th Oct
Month | Base | Costume |
Jan | 16 | 8 |
Feb | 16 | 13 |
Mar | 18 | 11 |
Apr | 18 | 11 |
May | 16 | 17 |
Jun | 16 | 9 |
Jul | 12 | 10 |
Aug | 18 | 11 |
Sep | 11 | 10 |
Oct | 3 | 6 |
Total | 144 | 106 |
Oh, yes, you are right. Changing it from 150 to 250.
New month so it’s time for an update.
Latest breakdown. Figures up to, and including Costumed Zhang Fei
Element | Common | Uncommon | Rare | Epic | Legendary | Total |
Ice | 2 | 3 | 33 | 43 | 155 | 236 |
Nature | 2 | 3 | 44 | 52 | 149 | 250 |
Dark | 2 | 3 | 37 | 46 | 161 | 249 |
Fire | 2 | 4 | 34 | 52 | 165 | 257 |
Holy | 2 | 3 | 36 | 39 | 144 | 224 |
Total | 10 | 16 | 184 | 232 | 774 | 1216 |
Excludes any, and all, Trainer Heroes.
Heroes / Costumes added since last summary
1 Rare, 3 Epic and 13 Legendary.
9 Heroes, 8 Costumes
Latest Additions
Name | Title | Rarity | Element | Costume |
Zhang Fei | Merciless Bear General | Legendary | Holy | Costume |
Rosalind | Cheerful Captain | Legendary | Holy | |
Araminta | Fearsome Faun Warrior | Legendary | Fire | |
Medea | Naga Goddess of the Deep | Legendary | Dark | Costume |
Revna | Carnelian Hunter | Legendary | Fire | |
Vincent | Frightened Gargoyle | Legendary | Ice | |
Vonreine | Fiery Gargoyle | Epic | Fire | |
Cosmicspeaker | Astral Elf Astronomer | Legendary | Ice | |
Swiftpaw | The Assassin Silver Fox | Legendary | Dark | |
Tyrum | Solemn Toon | Rare | Dark | 2nd Costume |
Sabina | Deathless Toon | Epic | Dark | 3rd Costume |
Kadilen | Toon Shieldmaster | Legendary | Nature | 3rd Costume |
Ptolemy | Elder Log | Epic | Nature | Costume |
Papyros | Colossus of Paper and Sand | Legendary | Holy | Costume |
Mucktus | Fiendish Forest Blob | Legendary | Nature | |
Zidane | Charming Privateer | Legendary | Fire | |
Guan Yu | Inferno General | Legendary | Nature | Costume |
Latest Additions (Alternative Version)
Type | Legendary | Epic | Rare |
HotM | - Zidane | ||
Astral Elves | - Cosmicspeaker | ||
Dunes Costume | - Papyros | - Ptolemy | |
Gargoyles | - Vincent | - Vonreine | |
Garrison Guards | - Rosalind | ||
Harvest Portal | - Swiftpaw | ||
Plains Hunter | - Revna | ||
Slime | - Mucktus | ||
Toon Costume | - Kadilen | - Sabina | - Tyrum |
Untold Tales Costume | - Medea | ||
War of the Three Kingdoms Costume | - Guan Yu - Zhang Fei |
Wilderness Summon | - Araminta |
A very quiet month
Based on your graph, quantity is slowly declining.
Cabt wait to get Kongs costume. Thanks
The release rate is slowly decreasing.
My linear fit is still dominated by the first nine month of the year and thus shows a rate of 1 new hero/costume every 27.5 hours. But we clearly see, that it was slower in the last weeks.
The dip in the rate can even be seen in the curve of released heroes since the beginning in March 2017:
I’ve seen a lot of posts saying the pace of releasing new heroes needs to slow down. But I haven’t seen many posts recognizing that the pace has slowed recently. And I’m doubtful we’ll see posts thankful for this recent slowdown now that it’s more clear.
I certainly didn’t notice.
Last couple of months we almost didn’t have new events. Mostly goblins - elves - gargoyles so heroes were released slowly.
I guess you will see a jump in numbers with the releasing of festival II heroes (5 heroes were released yesterday) and the upcoming introduction of untold tales F&F
Might be , but the new heroes from CF2 (2 bards + 3 costumes) were included in my graph from the 14.11.2024.
Especially the 4th costumes for S1 5* & 4*, which some Sourcecode Miner discovered, will raise the numbers.
Another month over, so here’s the update figures for November.
Latest breakdown. Figures up to, and including, Hrothgar & Wealhtheow.
Element | Common | Uncommon | Rare | Epic | Legendary | Total |
Ice | 2 | 3 | 33 | 43 | 159 | 240 |
Nature | 2 | 3 | 44 | 52 | 151 | 252 |
Dark | 2 | 3 | 37 | 46 | 166 | 254 |
Fire | 2 | 4 | 34 | 52 | 167 | 259 |
Holy | 2 | 3 | 36 | 39 | 147 | 227 |
Total | 10 | 16 | 184 | 232 | 790 | 1232 |
Excludes any, and all, Trainer Heroes.
Heroes / Costumes added this month.
1 Epic and 14 Legendary. (No Rare this month.)
9 Heroes, 6 Costumes
Latest Additions
Name | Title | Rarity | Element | Costume |
Wealhtheow | Ring-Graced, Royal-Hearted | Legendary | Holy | |
Hrothgar | Master of the Mead-Hall | Legendary | Ice | |
Kolya | Stolid Sentry | Legendary | Nature | |
Atlanteia | Glacial Siren of the Deep | Legendary | Ice | Costume |
Sawano | Faithful Kunoichi | Legendary | Ice | |
Spiff | The Royal Knight Fox | Legendary | Nature | |
Bonzo | Bard of Odd | Legendary | Nature | |
Astrid | Bard of Resurrection | Legendary | Holy | |
Caitlín | The Justicar Crusader | Legendary | Holy | Costume |
Saoirse | The Vanquisher | Legendary | Fire | Costume |
Dark Lord | Astronomer of Karemdol | Legendary | Dark | Costume |
Ysabel | Dauntless Faun Gladiator | Legendary | Dark | |
Mene | Fairy Queen of the Night | Legendary | Ice | |
Junaid | Sworn Champion | Epic | Fire | Costume |
Khufu | Aquatic Androsphinx | Legendary | Fire | Costume |
Latest Additions (Alternative Version)
Type | Legendary | Epic | Rare |
HotM | - Mene | ||
Bard | - Astrid - Bonzo |
Black Friday Summon | - Hrothgar - Wealhtheow |
Dunes Costume | - Khufu | - Junaid | |
Garrison Guards | - Kolya | ||
Harvest Portal | - Spiff | ||
Ninja Tower | - Sawano | ||
Slayer Costume | - Caitlín - Saoirse |
Untold Tales Costume | - Atlanteia | ||
Villains Costume | - Dark Lord | ||
Wilderness Summon | - Ysabel |
Only 15 heroes/costumes in an entire month!
Finally $G has slowed down!
Nope, already have 10 new Heroes / Costumes in just the first 3 days of December
(And there’s another Costume Chamber before the end of the month too.)
That’s because UT2 and SC both started, and these are probably the events that add the most heroes to the game
CC doesn’t add anything now, all toon costumes are released, and as there were no 4th costumes in beta yet, I think they are not going to be released in 2024