Missing costumes. Hope I got them all
It’s curious that only Seshat of the 2019 HotMs has a costume and she was July
You have a couple of extras in your list.
We do have Toon costumes for Graymane & Kailani.
Otherwise looks good for all Heroes from Seasons 1-5. Nice work .
There’s a lot from Challenge Festival I currently without costumes (31)
Black Caesar
Boss Wolf
Captain Kestrel
Captain of Diamonds
Frog Prince
Green Knight
Guardian Bat
Guardian Chameleon
Guardian Elephant
Guardian Falcon
Guardian Hippo
Guardian Lemur
Guardian Owl
King Arthur
Knave of Hearts
Morgan Le Fay
Red Hood
Sir Lancelot
Wonder if any of these will get a costume this Christmas, although it’s probably too early to see them in Beta (if they go through Beta).
Mr. Pengi
The counts for May 2024 should be 16 Heroes and 17 Costumes.
For June I think you are missing Azmia (costume) and Zavinia. Which means the count are out too.
Thx, I have fixed it.
The list is now up to este, and I hope there are no more mistakes in it.
Not quite there yet, but we are getting closer all the time.
Just working on this years figures for now.
January has Vivica’s Toon costume included but that came out in October last year (where you correctly have her listed). This makes the counts 16 and 8.
February’s numbers look good, just odd to see two lines for Underwild Costumes - the first being line 2 and the second at the bottom.
March has two issues I can see.
- Azlar’s Toon costume was also released in October 2023 (you have this correctly listed there too).
- Mariol is missing under Owl Tower (there is a slightly suspicious blank line above Verus).
This makes the March counts 18 and 11.
April’s count for costumes is not right. You correctly list 11 costumes but the count only says 9.
Also in April, is there any reason that the Horus Dunes Costume is listed at line 2 but Cleopatra’s is another line at the bottom ?
Overal YTD count is out by just one - should be 105 & 69.
Tiny amount of differences for the volume - thanks (as always) for your hard work (especially considering all the extra work the balance update gave you!).
It’s the end of the month again already, time for the latest Hero figures.
Latest breakdown. Figures up to, and including, the Galapago custume.
Element | Common | Uncommon | Rare | Epic | Legendary | Total |
Ice | 2 | 3 | 32 | 41 | 143 | 221 |
Nature | 2 | 3 | 43 | 51 | 138 | 237 |
Dark | 2 | 3 | 33 | 44 | 151 | 233 |
Fire | 2 | 4 | 34 | 49 | 154 | 243 |
Holy | 2 | 3 | 34 | 39 | 134 | 212 |
Total | 10 | 16 | 176 | 224 | 720 | 1146 |
Excludes any, and all, Trainer Heroes.
Heroes / Costumes added since last summary
2 Rare, 3 Epic and 17 Legendary.
12 Heroes, 10 Costumes.
Latest Additions
Name | Title | Rarity | Costume |
Galapago | Wise Turtle of the Excavation | Legendary | Costume |
Guffa | Stoic Gargoyle | Legendary | |
Otso | Wanderer of the Steppes | Legendary | |
Ukkonen | Infernal Kin of Väinämöinen | Legendary | Costume |
Väinämöinen | Eternal Sage | Legendary | Costume |
Sune | Malachite Hunter | Legendary | |
Rashan | Hulu-Metal User | Legendary | |
Bearnadette | Portrait Painter | Legendary | |
Horghall | Toon of the Woods | Legendary | 3rd Costume |
Ulmer | Toon of Glaceholm | Rare | 2nd Costume |
Isshtak | Toon Fighter | Rare | 2nd Costume |
Wu Kong | Monkey Toon | Epic | 3rd Costume |
Sonya | Toon Champion | Epic | 3rd Costume |
Ash | Fierce Bounty Hunter | Legendary | |
Ahhotep | Mummy Champion | Epic | Costume |
Sobek | Guardian of the River | Legendary | Costume |
Gwynn | Energy Flow Construct | Legendary | |
Moonbell | Astral Elf Summoner | Legendary | |
Theodosius | Courageous Corporal | Legendary | |
Iocantha | Master-at-Arms | Legendary | |
Cennius | Hidden Claw of Owl Tower | Legendary | |
Sini | The Azure Conjurer | Legendary |
Latest Additions (Alternative Version)
Type | Legendary | Epic | Rare |
HotM | - Sini | ||
Astral Elves | - Moonbell | ||
Clash of Knights | - Bearnadette | ||
Contest of Elements | - Ash | ||
Covenant Summon | - Gwynn | ||
Dunes Costume | - Sobek | - Ahhotep | |
Gargoyles | - Guffa | ||
Garrison Guards | - Iocantha - Theodosius |
Kalevala | - Otso | ||
Kalevala Costume | - Ukkonen - Väinämöinen |
Owl Tower | - Cennius | ||
Plains Hunter | - Sune | ||
Secret Summon | - Rashan | ||
Toon Costume | - Horghall | - Sonya - Wu Kong |
- Isshtak - Ulmer |
Untold Tales Costume | - Galapago |
the distribution is so unbalanced, didn’t know holy is this underpowered
They have all the heroes from Puzzle Combat to bring over first.
With today’s costume for Lughaidh we reached 1172 released heroes and costumes.
Since my last report (mid of June) the release rate decreased from 1 hero/costume every 25.5h to now 26.4h!
Nevertheless it is still quite higher than 1 per 30h of 2023.
While the release rates for 2023 and 2024 have a good linear fit, the release since the start of the game is more exponential:
In accordance with the reduced release rate also the estimate for the end of the year decreased to 1288.
Nearly the end of the month, and as it’s unlikely we will seen more releases in the next couple of days, here are the latest Hero numbers.
(UPDATE: Added Verity on 31th August.)
Latest breakdown. Figures up to, and including, today’s Verity.
Element | Common | Uncommon | Rare | Epic | Legendary | Total |
Ice | 2 | 3 | 32 | 41 | 149 | 227 |
Nature | 2 | 3 | 43 | 51 | 142 | 241 |
Dark | 2 | 3 | 35 | 45 | 157 | 242 |
Fire | 2 | 4 | 34 | 50 | 156 | 246 |
Holy | 2 | 3 | 35 | 39 | 138 | 217 |
Total | 10 | 16 | 179 | 226 | 742 | 1173 |
Excludes any, and all, Trainer Heroes.
Heroes / Costumes added since last summary
3 Rare, 2 Epic and 22 Legendary.
16 Heroes, 11 Costumes
Latest Additions
Name | Title | Rarity | Element | Costume |
Verity | Mysterious Faun Merchant | Legendary | Ice | |
Lughaidh | The Deathless King | Legendary | Nature | Costume |
Chikao | Silent Striker | Legendary | Nature | |
Iga | Master of Kunai Storm | Legendary | Holy | |
Tora | Silent Huntress | Legendary | Dark | |
Nomad | Silent Executioner | Legendary | Fire | |
Thalassa | Primordial Goddess of the Crystals | Legendary | Ice | Costume |
Von Rothbart | Feared Magician | Legendary | Dark | |
Armand Moncharmin | Sceptical Patron of Arts | Legendary | Nature | |
Rust | The Guardian Red Fox | Legendary | Fire | |
Whitefang | The Ranger Arctic Fox | Legendary | Ice | |
Mooncure | Astral Elf Incense Master | Legendary | Ice | |
Alvar | The Pathfinder | Legendary | Holy | |
Sigyn | Scorpion Handler | Legendary | Ice | |
Quintus | Toon Scientist | Legendary | Dark | 3rd Costume |
Oberon | Relentless Toon | Rare | Dark | 2nd Costume |
Dawa | Toon of Shaguad | Rare | Holy | 2nd Costume |
Tiburtus | Mournful Toon | Epic | Dark | 3rd Costume |
Scarlett | Raider from the Toon Sea | Epic | Fire | 3rd Costume |
Aqeela | Street-Smart Sorcerer | Rare | Dark | Costume |
Bastet | Eye of the Forest | Legendary | Dark | Costume |
Skarn | Balefrost Construct | Legendary | Ice | |
Vander | Cyborg Captain | Legendary | Dark | |
Frank ’Fangs’ Brimwell | Streetwise Sergeant | Legendary | Holy | |
Cao Cao | Warlord of Ice | Legendary | Ice | Costume |
Sir Casmir | The Vagabond Guardian | Legendary | Dark | |
Congalach | Warrior of Kelp | Legendary | Nature | Costume |
Latest Additions (Alternative Version)
Type | Legendary | Epic | Rare |
HotM | - Sir Casmir | ||
Astral Elves | - Mooncure | ||
Clash of Knights | - Alvar | ||
Contest of Elements | - Vander | ||
Covenant Summon | - Skarn | ||
Dunes Costume | - Bastet | - Aqeela | |
Garrison Guards | - Frank ’Fangs’ Brimwell | ||
Harvest Portal | - Rust - Whitefang |
Ninja Tower | - Chikao - Iga - Nomad - Tora |
Plains Hunter | - Sigyn | ||
Solstice Summon | - Armand Moncharmin - Von Rothbart |
Toon Costume | - Quintus | - Scarlett - Tiburtus |
- Dawa - Oberon |
Underwild Costume | - Congalach - Lughaidh |
Untold Tales Costume | - Thalassa | ||
War of the Three Kingdoms Costume | - Cao Cao | ||
Wilderness Summon | - Verity |
Bonus breakdown. (Updated to include Verity.)
Class | Blue (Ice) | Green (Nature) | Purple (Dark) | Red (Fire) | Yellow (Holy) | Total |
Barbarian | 30 | 18 | 21 | 34 | 18 | 121 |
Cleric | 22 | 21 | 23 | 18 | 33 | 117 |
Druid | 14 | 39 | 21 | 19 | 13 | 106 |
Fighter | 30 | 21 | 22 | 43 | 27 | 143 |
Monk | 18 | 19 | 18 | 22 | 31 | 108 |
Paladin | 27 | 26 | 25 | 22 | 27 | 127 |
Ranger | 17 | 31 | 19 | 21 | 16 | 104 |
Rogue | 22 | 22 | 32 | 22 | 20 | 118 |
Sorcerer | 17 | 18 | 30 | 25 | 17 | 107 |
Wizard | 30 | 26 | 31 | 20 | 15 | 122 |
Total | 227 | 241 | 242 | 246 | 217 | 1173 |
Cleric not the first? With so many freaking cleric healers running about?
Dragons are no longer in beta for 2 weeks now, maybe an update?
I will do it on the weekend.
@Maciurella Does this help you?
Another month has ended (Where does the time go ? ), so it most be time for…
The latest breakdown. Figures up to, and including, Dima (End of September).
Element | Common | Uncommon | Rare | Epic | Legendary | Total |
Ice | 2 | 3 | 33 | 43 | 152 | 233 |
Nature | 2 | 3 | 44 | 51 | 145 | 245 |
Dark | 2 | 3 | 36 | 45 | 159 | 245 |
Fire | 2 | 4 | 34 | 50 | 162 | 252 |
Holy | 2 | 3 | 36 | 39 | 141 | 221 |
Total | 10 | 16 | 183 | 228 | 759 | 1196 |
Excludes any, and all, Trainer Heroes.
Heroes / Costumes added since last summary
3 Rare, 2 Epic and 16 Legendary.
11 Heroes, 10 Costumes
Latest Additions
Name | Title | Rarity | Element | Costume |
Dima | The Hogmaster | Legendary | Fire | |
Kravekrush | Ettin Grillmaster | Legendary | Fire | Costume |
Exeera | Octopod Hierophant | Legendary | Ice | Costume |
Osamu | Iron Discipline Ninja | Epic | Ice | |
Malum | Ruthless Shinobi | Legendary | Fire | |
Alucard | Vampire Kingpin | Legendary | Fire | Costume |
Chester | The Unfriendly Ghost | Legendary | Ice | |
Wayne | The Great Magician of Morlovia | Legendary | Holy | |
Lasalle | Flamboyant Jockey of Atlantis | Legendary | Fire | Costume |
Tamlin | Eerie Faun Flautist | Legendary | Dark | |
Charlotta | Prima Donna | Legendary | Fire | |
Melodymuse | Astral Elf Poet | Legendary | Holy | |
Thorne | Toon Frostmorrow | Legendary | Ice | 3rd Costume |
Renfeld | Unhinged Toon | Rare | Dark | 2nd Costume |
Gunnar | Toon Knight | Rare | Ice | 2nd Costume |
Boril | Toon Defender | Epic | Ice | 3rd Costume |
Faiez | Fortuitous Miner | Rare | Nature | Costume |
Khonshu | Knight of the Moon | Legendary | Dark | Costume |
Sludgus | Singing Tavern Slime | Legendary | Holy | |
Pip | Nervous Messenger | Legendary | Nature | |
Chloris | Floral Spirit | Legendary | Nature |
Latest Additions (Alternative Version)
Type | Legendary | Epic | Rare |
HotM | - Chloris | ||
Astral Elves | - Melodymuse | ||
Dunes Costume | - Khonshu | - Faiez | |
Garrison Guards | - Dima - Pip |
Ninja Tower | - Malum | - Osamu | |
Return to Morlovia | - Chester - Wayne |
Return to Morlovia Costume | - Alucard | ||
Slime | - Sludgus | ||
Solstice Summon | - Charlotta | ||
Toon Costume | - Thorne | - Boril | - Gunnar - Renfeld |
Underwild Costume | - Exeera - Kravekrush |
Untold Tales Costume | - Lasalle | ||
Wilderness Summon | - Tamlin |
I had some spare time, so here’s a little bonus stats snippet,
September was the quietest month for a while in total, quietest for new Heroes and joint 3rd quietest for new Costumes.
Raw Data
Month | Base | Costume | Total |
202310 | 16 | 16 | 32 |
202311 | 16 | 10 | 26 |
202312 | 21 | 14 | 35 |
202401 | 16 | 8 | 24 |
202402 | 16 | 13 | 29 |
202403 | 18 | 11 | 29 |
202404 | 18 | 11 | 29 |
202405 | 16 | 17 | 33 |
202406 | 16 | 9 | 25 |
202407 | 12 | 10 | 22 |
202408 | 18 | 11 | 29 |
202409 | 11 | 10 | 21 |
Dragons are, of course, excluded.