New Chronological List of Hero Releases

Yep, I wouldn’t be overly surprised by that. :upside_down_face:

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Last year we had 185 new heroes + 86 costumes after 154 hero + 45 costumes in 2022.

So having 200 new heroes and 100 new costumes is very relalistic.

In few years time Staff should add “Hero of the Day” instead of “Hero of the month” to keep the numbers rising at the expected rate :smiley:


Updated my graphic to show the hero increase including costumes for 2023


From your approximation, how many heroes will E&P have at the end of 2024 ?


He says one new hero every 30 hours… Should be about 293 new heroes in a year… But not sure if the 30 hours is the all-time average, or recent average rate of release

Edit - I see now that 1 hero/30 hours was the rate for 2023. If 2024 increases the rate just a bit, we’ll have 300 new heroes this year


I started a new graph for 2024 and based on the first three data points (1. HotM + Super-Elemental, 2. S4 costumes, 3. Goblins + Season of Love) the pace increased further to 1 new hero/costume every about 28h.
That would mean we would see 316 new museum entries in 2024, for a total of 1273.
But having witnessed the pace in 2023, I believe it will be even more.


After the most recent releases we stand at 967 in total.

Element Common Uncommon Rare Epic Legendary Total
Ice 2 3 28 35 123 191
Nature 2 3 36 46 112 199
Dark 2 3 29 40 122 196
Fire 2 4 29 43 123 201
Holy 2 3 30 35 110 180
Total 10 16 152 199 590 967

Note: All Trainer Heroes are omitted.

We are still looking like hitting the 1000 sometime in March.

Also looks like we’re in need of some Holy Heroes / Costumes.


Here the newest graph of hero/costume release for 2024. Up to now, we saw 14 new in 11 days.
Estimate release rate is 1 per ~20h! So the pace increased drastically from when I started on 24th October last year, where it was “only” 1 per ~33h.
Prediction of #1000 then was 1st April, now is about 8th February!


Fun fact: Norman who was released yesterday is by my account hero number 700

Bear in mind I do not count 1* and 2*, and I have a separate count for costumes (who with C. Thoth-Amun are up to 241)

Still looking forward to hero number 777; called Jackpot and who has a Very Slow special called “luck of the draw”, with 25% chance to instantly wipe out all enemies

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If you are also leaving out Trainer Heroes then I get 701, crazy numbers :confounded:

I have 242 costumes after Thoth-Amun. :thinking:

Edit to add
Breakdown of Heroes only (excl 1* , 2* and Trainers)

Element Rare Epic Legendary Total
Ice 20 22 97 139
Nature 28 28 88 144
Dark 22 27 93 142
Fire 23 29 95 147
Holy 23 23 83 129
Total 116 129 456 701

Breakdown of costumes

Element Rare Epic Legendary Total
Ice 8 13 27 48
Nature 8 18 24 50
Dark 7 13 30 50
Fire 6 14 28 48
Holy 7 12 27 46
Total 36 70 136 242

701+242+10(1*)+16(2*) = 969 which is the total shown for the museum.

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here are my stats, independant DB :

date Jan. 13, 2024.

701 Heroes 3*, 4*, 5* // 943 if costumes are included
116 3* (152 with costume)
129 4* (199 with costume)
456 5* (592 with costume)

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I would not put it past them, to just release the same hero but in 5 different elements :stuck_out_tongue: one design, 5 new heroes!


Costumes can change the class of the Hero so why not have a costume which changes element. We could end up with Heroes having 9 (or more) costumes :scream:

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So I started looking for which hero I was missing.
I found I only had 96 blue legendary heroes.
But looking through Nynavea’s excellent overview in The Ravens Cave and comparing to my only list I did not find anything missing


Below is my overview on blue 5*.
Will now look through everything above to try and find it, but if you see what I am missing please let me know

Hero nr Costume Name
15 C. Isarnia
18 C. Richard
40 C. Magni
66 C. Thorne
76 C. Ariel
82 C. Krampus
83 C. Snow White
86 C. Alasie
87 C. Athena
93 C. Master Lepus
94 C. Finley
105 C. Rumpelstiltskin
110 C. Skadi
119 C2 Isarnia
124 C2 Magni
127 C. Perseus
134 C. Misandra
137 C. Aegir
160 C. Fenrir
174 C. Lord Loki
186 C2. Thorne
187 C. Morel
189 C. Aino
196 C2 Richard
203 C. Passpartout
207 Toon Richard
239 C. Russula
47 Isarnia
52 Magni
55 Richard
57 Thorne
61 Master Lepus
68 Athena
86 Perseus
90 King Arthur
96 Alasie
102 Rumpelstiltskin
126 Misandra
130 Aegir
145 Ariel
151 Alice
152 Frida
160 Miki
168 Finley
175 Snow White
177 Vela
192 Fenrir
219 Raffaele
221 Skadi
232 Cobalt
242 Glenda
247 Krampus
248 Lord Loki
259 Crystalis
279 Frosth
282 Russula
289 Bobo
290 Theobald
295 Morel
307 Rian
310 Cathal
312 Alexandrine
319 Milena
330 Esme
337 Zircon
341 Gaillard
343 Mr. Pengi
344 Passepartout
351 Exeera
357 Quintin
359 Iris
389 Sobek
403 Tethys
414 Aino
419 Klaern
420 Bennu
421 Cao Cao
437 Adalinda
453 Miriam & Midnight
468 Bubbles
474 Waterpipe
477 Fortuna
481 Balur
488 Tinsel
496 Porthos
505 Matrera
512 Oniwakamaru
516 Guardian Hippo
517 Zengar
518 Anzia
520 Thanatos
527 Himeros
529 Hetepheres
530 Cinnamon
540 Milady de Winter
552 Suzuna
553 Camilla
559 Sorrow
571 Azurite
577 Thalassa
581 Misty
586 Celimene
587 Nine-Headed Beast
589 Odette
594 Ceto
597 Cel
603 Amphitrite
606 Tremor
614 Ulius
616 Areax
619 Quinn
626 Kettle
630 Ghealach
645 Lysanor
657 Fizzcoil
660 Starwalker
664 Atlanteia
666 Firmin Richard
672 Zappa
675 Chang’e
681 Satori
684 Timius
694 Kabeiroi

I’ve checked through my data.

I have Norman as ICE but he’s actually FIRE.

So 96 would appear to be correct.


I heard from Line @Nynaeve_alMeara stopped playing so not sure she still updates her cave.
Either way, you should have a look at my data vault, retrieve the latest hero CSV files and sort by the museum column. You should be able to quickly find who you miss.
I will update it in a bit to include the new hero released today.


Thank you both @Elioty33 and @Oxide
Back to the drawing board to find the missing hero.
I found the missing costume one, which was C2 Elena.

I also found that Tremor is listed twice @PlayForFun
He is listed as a launch both in May 2023 and when he was actually released, which was July 2023. I dont know if this affects your count, but it should still be fixed? (Sorry to add to your workload)


I will look at this later (hopefully today), when I will update the OP with the list of new heroes.

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Found the culprit!
It was Shacklebolt who was released while I had the flu :see_no_evil:

Thanks all!

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We currently have 7 portals open today. Is this the most number of summons portals simultaneously available? :slight_smile:

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