Hello everyone, here is my 5* heroes:
Green : Gregorion, Elkanen, Atomos, Horgal
Blue: Ariel, Rumpelstilskin, Frida, Isarnia, Misandra, Vela, Thorne, Richard
Red: Gravemaker, Marjana, Zimkitha, Anzogh, Khagan, Natalya
Yellow: Poseidon, Leonidas, Vivica, Joon
Purple: Kageburado, Kunchen, Seshat, Domitia, Thoth-Amun
My current defense is: Kageburado-Ariel-Gravemaker-Gregorion-Poseidon
I just maxed kunchen and I woud like to build team with him as a tank. I thought about: Misandra-Gravemaker-Kunchen-Joon-Gregorion. Elkanen would be better then Gregorion but i don’t have many cleric embles. I prefer rainbow team.
What is my best defense team with Kunchen as a tank? Thanks for any advice!!