We currently have a few openings in the Mixed Nuts family! Contact jckbrtn on Line or leave a message here if interested.
There are still a few spots in the Mixed Nuts family of alliances. Contact jckbrtn on Line to see which alliance level can help you develop.
Looking for a good crew to join. I use all flags in wars and for titans. In 40 days I’ve gotten up to 2500 main team and decently strong 5 additional teams. I range between 850-1000 trophies at the moment. Currently my alliance has too many inactive players.
Gotcha. Well, all of our alliances are very active. We’re all competitive. Two of our alliances are always in the top 100, one is back and forth, and two more are growing and developing. Do you have the Line app? Not all of our alliances require it, but it’s recommended. That’s how the family keeps I’m touch and shares advice and strategy.
Mixed nuts - special blend have an opening. Pm Jack or tkristensen find us in Line.
Mixed Nuts - Extra Cheesy has a couple of spots. 8* titans. Excellent alliance to grow your team and learn valuable strategy. Contact jckbrtn on Line.
Mixed Nuts - Extra Cheesy still has a couple of spots! 7 and 8 star titans. It’s an excellent way for developing players to get into the Mixed Nuts family.
Mixed Nuts - Special Blend has an opening. 10 and 11* titans.