Minor Adjustment to Hero Powers

It kind of bothers me that Petri was on hand to immediately start merging all these threads an manage the outrage, but when there is an actual problem, no one comes around for months to give any answers. Boo.


I agree that this is not entirely a mathmatical issue. However i think it’s a mistake to say that TP or hero power is useless. And it is only misleading if one over ascribes meaning to it (admittedly an easy mistake to make).

Higher team power is correlated with stronger teams and this change should (or at least is intended to) increase that correlation. I think it’s an interesting approach to the war matching issues and hope it helps.

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Not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet, but maybe SG should have simply increased the power levels of lower-rarity heroes. Then people would have been happy rather than upset.

As a side note, I’m in the camp that says this change makes no difference whatsoever on the heroes themselves, and only serves to make power levels more accurate. But framing effects, man.


But your heroes stats didn’t change. There attack power, special damage percent, health and defense are all the same. Your team is just as strong today as it was last night when you went to bed…

I don’t know why everyone is so distraught, they didn’t even change them enough. They reduced 4 star heroes by 17 base points and 2 points when fully leveled and increased the power of 2 and 3 star. I’m sorry but I believe this is not going to change anything, I am prepared for worse than ever matchmaking.

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Because everyone has own goals in this game. For some, that could be over tp4000. There are lot of people, who don’t understand, that teampower don’t mean anything and fully maxed 4* hero is better than 5* 70/3. I knew this going to happen after update. That was the reason, I would rather see tp going up 4* heroes and below. Unhappy players make more noise than happy ones.


Sadly many people seems “affected” by this change, as many had the 4000 power team as their objective.
Useless to say them the banana/pinapple thing even if it’s true, the feelings is the same of something stolen away from them.

I don’t know if this can be reversed and all the hero fixed to have more power instead of less, but for your own benefit take this in consideration Small Giant.

Irrational rage is spreading fast.

I can already see all the posts that go something like this:
“You ruined my achievement of getting 4k TP because you raised TP so that now everyone has 4k TP. Now I have to go for 4200 TP and I won’t bother so I will ragequit”

Just saying that there will always be problems with updates. Just let it be like this and let people get used to it.

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Sure people can just get over it, but why make them angry while you can do exactly the same thing and make them happier? (for no reason, lol)

Not a smart thing to do for me.

You make a reasonable point when you observe that higher team power is correlated with stronger teams. I would contend, however, that the correlation is not so strong as we are tempted to think (tempted because TP is a number and looks like it is objectively derived).

Two teams with identical team power can be vastly different in their true strength because of the complemenarity of the heroes that make them up (fielding five Vivicias is probably a bad idea), their placement (is Sartana in tank position or on the wing?), and the purpose for which the team has been assembled (probably not a great idea to use Guin as a tank when you’re farming). These considerations will always be considerably more important than whatever the TP number is.

Might the changes being implemented improve TP as a measure of real team strength? Maybe in some marginal cases they might. But it’s always going to be more relevant to consider the composition and purpose of a team (or its strength and weaknesses, if you’re evaluating it as a target) than to look at its TP. In exactly the same way, one is not usually well advised when raiding to field the team with the highest possible TP. It’s usually smarter to use a team with lower TP, but that is tailored to exploit the weaknesses and negate the strengths of your opponent.

I do take your point - TP is only a misleading metric if you ascribe too much meaning to it. But I think it has very little meaning and so should mostly be ignored.

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But there is a real difference - in your example, before the change, your Magni would’ve had something like 45-50 points higher power compared to your Bane. If you multiply that by multiple heroes, the effect adds up.

The current power numbers may not be perfect, but a lot closer than before. In your example, I don’t think it’s a foregone conclusion at all you would take Bane into Battle over Magni, whose special packs a bigger punch, and then gives a 42% defense bonus to himself and his neighbors (but yeah his base defense of 305 is quite low). You can argue that in this comparison Magni should have lower points compared to Bane, and perhaps you’re right… but I think few will argue that their relative point difference now is not an improvement over how it was before the change.

By the way… a maxed Bane with his special at 8/8 has 440 power now. Yours is a rather unlucky one at 3/50 and the special only at 3/8… hope your other heroes are more lucky!


Agree on all points. And hopeful the ‘past war performance’ is ultimately the key driver of better match-ups with TP only remaining as a stop-gap to prevent new, high powered alliances from mauling newbie alliances.

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The hand-waving freak-outery on this minor change reminds me a bit of this. :smile:


Empires & Puzzles Community Forum[INSERT YOUR USERNAME HERE WITHOUT THE SQUARE BRACKETS]/preferences/emails


Kudos - you are exactly on point and I wish I had thought of The Tap before you. This clip should be the only response needed.


This is sooooo much better than my iPhone8 to iPhonex comparison. You win. Thank you.

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Awesome this means all those unleveled 5* hero’s that are crap that I didn’t want to level up but kept in the hopes one day they get fixed won’t screw my alliance matchmaking up.
Good change!!!


It needn’t be reversed: presumably it would be sufficient just to add a zero to the end of all the new HP and TP numbers. (“These go to 11.”)

I weep for humanity.

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Yes you are right, it is different, but Not enough. Even when the Special is better, the Attributes with Same Power should be more equal than now.

And btw. no to the Bane Thing. I have 2 other Banes with full Special. He is so Special that i will keep him Like that.