Minor Adjustment to Hero Powers

Was this change based on the thread with the poll? Was that the deciding factor?

They took a poll to lower the hero power of 4 and 5 star cards. Some p2w players became very upset so they changed it to what we have now.

Yep. Once again tampering with the game will cost everyone. Now my team has dropped down in strength and I can’t win a raid (or for that matter get revenge easily). Almost time to leave. The Devs in my opinion are idiots. The game has been set up so you succeed only if you spend money.

This change absolutely did not affect the strength of your heroes or your ability to win raids and do content. It only changed the number in the corner and by very little.

Thanks Tyler.
With a change, such as this, I wish they notified us via in game. I feel like that would have allowed for more people to vote and not just those of us that read the forum. But, hey it’s just a thought in hindsight.

How would you propose improvement are ever made, if “tampering” should never be done?

No it hasn’t. You haven’t lost even the tiniest bit of strength, not one iota.

It’s only that the measuring stick to come up with the power number, has changed slightly. A bit like changing your speedometer from kph to mph - lower numbers for the same speed.

This change has happened for all players, including the ones you face in raids. Which does not even use the power number in any way, shape of form.

Sorry to say, but with that kind of negativity that is based entirely on misconceptions (easily prevented by doing a slight bit of reading around here), I’m afraid you won’t be missed too much.


I got an in-game message today about the change.

I understand that you maybe wanted an in-game request for feedback beforehand, but at least they’re making an effort to explain the change.

Did you not get this in-game notification like I did?

The school of thought is that well active and educated players read the forums. This holds true for most games.

Did you not read what I said? @Orynn understood what I said in my post. I said before hand. @Orynn thank you.

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20 characters of :rofl:
May be active, but I don’t know about educated

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Yes, very true. But, unfortunately, it doesn’t represent the majority. But, nonetheless changes come. Some stick and some don’t. I enjoy the game and am looking forward to seeing how this helps with the war matching.


If they frequent the forums and decline to read the educational threads that is their problem.

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Just had to jump in and add that the update looks good for Alliance War matchmaking. Will still have to see how it works out in the next AW.

Would also like to add that SG might have done too good a job… With the amount of rage going on, it seems like some folks had their IQ reduced too…>.<


My oh my…

You can lead a horse to water…


This is one of the best updates they have ever made. The hero power number is completely abitrary and meaningless and has single handedly led to a ton of war mismatches. Dropping those unleveled powers will make them far more competitive. This is a very good thing.


That update is crap! :frowning:
What’s the sense behind it, when someone with 300 - 500 TP less beats your @$$ in a jiffy!

If there’s a classification (1*-5*) it should NOT be possible for 3* units to f**k up 5* units that easy!!
And since that update got released I was beaten up around 20 times from guys with much lower TP than me!
And that ■■■■■■ me off so bad that I‘m close to delete the game!!! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

That’s my 2 pence about this (crappy) update!

Someone didn’t read the release notes. Your heroes have the exact same attack, defense, health, and special abilities as they did before the update. NOTHING HAS CHANGED except for an arbitrary power rating number that was meaningless except as an epeen.


Since the update I haven’t lost a single raid nor been attacked.

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I have to assume people still don´t understand how raids and defense team work. People set a defense team but the attack team can and should change every time to adjust to your opponent´s team. People, especially higher level players, are know to drop cups so they can fill their chests faster. IMHO this update may decrease the ga in alliance matchmaking and in a couple weeks we will all have adjusted to this new TP reality

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