Miki not silencing enemy

Hi. It been awhile since i posted, but i have a question, can someone please tell me or explain to me why Miki is not silencing the enemy?. I noticed this happening in a titan fight. I deliberately powered him up and cast his special… and he did not silence the the titan. This just started happening in the last 2 fights. Thanks in advance for your help.

Could you tell us which titan it was exactly?

Hi, yes it currently is an 11* titan, an also i did notice in a war battle.

Sorry, i forgot to mention it is als a red titan

Please tell us exactly which titan that was (their name or share a picture of it).

Please take a picture of your team and an enemy team.

Hi , yes it is an 11* red volcanic eruption titan , it that helps, than you for you help

it might be a visual issue. after casting miki, did the titan fire his special on you in 4 turns time?

I can’t say why Miki couldn’t silence this titan…
Did titan have an ailment, but fired anyway? Or when Miki fired it did not get an ailment?

Hi, yes it did , right after i fired Miki, here is a picture of my team, maybe not the best team, but its what i have to work with, thank you for your help.


strange. you seem to know what you re saying. you aint a new player…
might be a bug after all

best is to just video your hit. and after post pics. maybe upload that video also

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Hi, when Miki fired, the titan fired right afterwards , so there was no ailment

What other heroes did you use with Miki? Is there a chance that Miki missed?

PS. I see the picture now.

Hi, yes i will have to wait till i get another titan flag to do video if it no out by then. Thank you all for your help and suggestions🙂


OK, so we’re waiting for your video, I’m curious what happened. :slightly_smiling_face:

Ok, and once you have that flag, then if you do not see this slience, then can you tap on the titan to show the details of it ?

Maybe just the icon missing and it is listed in the ailments section.


Funnily enough I noticed something odd with Miki yesterday against an 11* purple titan. At the start of the battle I used two regular mana potions on Miki and tapped him as I always do, yet nothing happened and I needed another. His mana had gone to about 90-95%, whereas mana pots should give 60% each. It was like that thing you get in Mythic Titan battles where the percentages are reduced after multiple hero use and potions don’t fully charge (unfairly in my view but that’s another story)

Anyway, I couldn’t replicate it in the next battle though so just assumed I was going crazy.

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Hi, i have a video , but how do i add it here? , and as you can see Miki doesn’t silence until the 2n hit . thank you in advance

You can upload it on youtube and make it private so only you will have a link to it and post that link here.

Ok i think i did this right… Here’ the link