🐼 [Master] -- War of 3 Kingdoms -- Discussion, Information & Summoning Results Thread

Ridiculous in its pure form, a whopping 14 coins. Also because we lost, because 16 players didn’t play at all or 380 attacks remained open. But what does SG care, they don’t give a ■■■■ about suggestions or criticism.
Or @EmpiresPuzzles, @Petri, what are your next steps to make something decent out of this event?
You can also stop the botch, grab the heroes to the pointless ninja tower and do something decent with your time. Counting :money_with_wings:


I was in the winning kingdom, in a winning warband, and surprisingly didn’t do too badly personally (#26). The warband didn’t rank very high though, I suspect (#524). In any case, I went home with eleven coins.

I feel they can just remove the event, and tell us you can only get the heroes by paying money to buy the coins. The difference would be negligible.


If I had to bet money on it I would say ‘More exciting heroes to pull for!’ and a chance to purchase battle equipment that will ‘Greatly increase war loot!’


That’s an easy bet, SG is am Master in selling poo for gold!


What a crap reward.
Placed second in my alliance and 13th overall in war…

Well at least next time I know this will save me time and frustration and will be ignored.
What a farce,calling this improved loot. Still haven’t received from my previous war in bet anything and yes this is increased from nothing but still not more than rubbish

For completely random event where you are dependent on 99(!) others that are random, I am not doing this 10 times in the hope to summon a dawa.

Wow, for all that effort I got 17 coins, and an EHT which netted me … Khailani. Time for bed.

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Wow good loot everyone !

At least compared to mine:

Wei kingdom, lost war, top 27 individual rank, top 760 warband rank.

Last time I have received 2 coins in total so it’s still an improvement…


That’s not all your rewards. There are 4 separate reward groupings.

fwiw, here’s my combined loot:


I got 30 W3K coins for placing 2nd in my warband, the other 7 from Wu and warband placement, so pretty low. our warband did win our skirmish though.

Overall, not terrible loot for low effort i guess. I got 2nd place in my warband for 5 one shots, 6 cleanups, and 1 mostly failed attack. there were 380 unused flags vs. 480 for the other side. both sides had 18 people who did not use even a single flag.

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Yes that is all my rewards.
Screen shot is from accumulated loot under recent activity

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Still quite good. Lost skirmish, Wei kingdom, 30th rank, and warband a bit below 1K. 4 coins and 2 silver tokens…
Last time it was 32 coins, but I was 1st rank in my warband…

They need to penalize ppl that don’t use war flags. If at the end of the first flags issue players have not bothered to use them an equal amount on each side are “killed” and turn into spectators and can only watch, they receive no more flags and no loot. This continues for each issue of flags so only an equal amount of active players can continue. At the end they get their loot plus the loot of the spectators distributed to them. Anyone who becomes a spectator is not allowed to join the next war. Do this and the ppl that join and never bother to use their flags will drop off. My alliance is discussing a boycott until they do something like this, it’s not enjoyable to loose because some can’t be bothered to use their flags. This must be addressed or it’s a waste of time for the small loot given.


I’m curious what the loot breakdown is. Looks like top warband s made out quite well with 4*AMs

Here’s mine:

Next time I will try to go for Top1 too score, and I will not care about rest of the Warband so I will hunt for half dead teams or very low TP full teams as the outcome of the Skirmish is not really depending on individual performance :frowning:

So, basicly you need 60 maxed and fully emblemed 5* heroes and then you get the coins garanteed by warband rank (which is basicly sorted by team strength because of multiplying ts with points per attack) no matter how bad you did personally. That’s a kick in the ■■■ for all less developed or less-whale players.

I demand completely random warbands not influenced by roster strength!! :grin:

I got 30 coins for 5th place in the war, 2 and 4 for Shu kingdom (winning) and winning the war and nothing for place 1101 warband in kingdom.


Congrats. Exact same thing happened to me minus the tonic! She was the one I really wanted and couldn’t believe my luck!

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After winning the war, my warband had 164 flags remain unused, and the opponents had 160. 320 flags left unused. I think the reason why some players joined the event, and never bothered to use the flags, is because they are potentially AFK Farming. Even though they don’t use their flags, they still get rewards. Not fair for those that don’t use flags to get the same amount of rewards as those who used their flags.

I am both happy and annoyed by my outcome. 1st in my Warband, but we did lose.
I wish I had just got 100 coins instead of 53, so I could at least get another Dawa lol

Oh well, hopefully next time I can get another 50, but I wont be bothered about how well I do next time, as long as we can win

Horrible event with horrible loot.


First we lost because of unused flags. Over 400 unused flags mean nearly 17% of the flags wasted.
So if your warband wins or not is just luck with whom you get mixed, nothing to do with skill.

  • Loot for the warband was absolutely worthless. There is a 50% chance that at the end of the event you will get nearly nothing. Watching a 30 sec add rewards you with more.
  • Personally finished 2nd place, 10 emblems and some farmable mats. Again just watching an add is more rewarding. The only thing useful are the 30 coins. But than thats only ⅓ of a pull, all other events reward you with much more.


  • My kingdom finished 3rd, again something that’s based 100% on luck. The loot for that is not bad, it’s an insult. Farming a single lvl rewards me better.
  • loot for the warband ranking was decent. But again only luck based. 100 emblems and 50 coins are great, if everything looked like that when you win and maybe half the numbers when you loose it would be motivational.

Thoughts in the end:

  • Not a single problem raised in the global beta was solved (flag usage, communications, not confusing visibility, loot)
  • My motivation for the next is literally 0. This time I attacked full teams, got 11 OS and one fail. I was looking through dozens of defenses of opponent teams, looking for something fitting my heroes and thought about putting together 12 working teams. Next time I won’t even bother with clean hunting. 12 attacks in the end and if I score 0 or forget about them completely it doesn’t matter. I’m already now apologizing by the people I will get matched with next time, but I just don’t care and won’t waste any time for this event, when all the other parts of the game are already so time consuming.
  • The biggest failure is not that the loot is bad, but that it’s so bad I can’t even do a single pull. Even the worst other events give you at least one free pull, most more. That’s just disgusting. And comparing all the other loot with for example monthly challenge events it’s just sad.

So if nothing changes, this was probably my last constructive post in the W3K event topic, good luck everyone who still believes in this event.
And for those enjoying it I hope you will get matched next time with people who think similar, good luck.

Over and out.