[Master] -- šŸ‘» Soul Exchange

this should be highlighted. as of now, no official confirmation of the costs per hero has been given. so any charts with the cost are just guesses at best.


both Bubblesā€™ defense down and shifting mindless attack are cleansableā€¦ but Bubbles does pack a very strong snipe too :slight_smile:


OK, so, I have Green and Purple projects to work on ā€“ sorry, Ekanite, Athos and Narcisa. Would have liked you.

Reds I kind of have projects, but Cupido is pretty darn usefulā€¦ but I really need Yellow and Blue more.

So. Dabria - a reviver is nice, but I need attack in yellow. Hi Anne!
Cinnamon - I have EDD blue from Frida, and Bubbles is more my thing anyway.

All I now need to know is the costs. If Anne, Bubbles, or Cupido is at 15, thatā€™s my call. If theyā€™re all at 20, probably Bubbles. And if two (or three!) are at 15ā€¦ not gonna happen.

Have cupido so maybe Xiaotu, as sheā€™ll be hard to pick up any other way and thereā€™s been a few times when Iā€™ve gone against her that she fires when I think Iā€™m winning and itā€™s game over for me.

Maybe Ekanite - need to research him

Donā€™t have the 2 blues, Bubbles and Cinnamon, but I have a ton of blues and no scopes.


I think thatā€™s exactly why SMA has ā€˜aged poorlyā€™. Toons, with ailment resist Legendary troops. Hathor is still a top choice ailment shielder, with monks. SMA has a lot to go up against
SMA is high risk high reward, while cupidoā€™s mindless heal is more consistent

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I wasā€¦ WAS team narcisaā€¦ But the only hero that would make me change my mind isā€¦ Phenexaā€¦ Obviously she isnā€™t hereā€¦ But she could be next timeā€¦ And if soā€¦ Iā€™m likely stop using narcisaā€¦

This soul exchange is killing me.


Lol itā€™s kind of a nice situation to be in


I think there is a chance ekanite will be at 10. If soā€¦ How can i not choose himā€¦ At 15, the is a debateā€¦ Top 2 reds are a great value at 15, which ever one it is. Ditto the holiesā€¦ Ditto the blues. This game is trying to destroy me because no matter who i chose Iā€™m going to miss the skills or passives of the others.

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And thatā€™s my concern, especially for mana control ailments they have all not aged well. Mana control is not your run of the mill ailment like AD/DD, itā€™s quite a valuable effect, so it hurts even more when itā€™s being resisted. And nowadays it seems like everyone has ways to resist ailments

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Agreed. This is the first soul exchange where Iā€™m actively sad I can pick only one :cry: lots of good choices in this one.


there are some screenshots of Facebook posts shared in this thread too :slight_smile:

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ooooooo I forgot her costume does EDD. Limiting itā€™s use to ice makes her use very limiting though.

But I like the rest of your analysis.

I appreicate speculation on the costs, but any statements without a clarifier should not be taken as fact (unless we have oracle confirmation). Yet people will continue to post statements as facts and others will believe it.

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Good point that Mana Control hasnā€™t aged well with all the aliment resistance casters and passives out there.

Revive to me is still one of the best skills in the game, itā€™s so rare to see in 5 stars. I canā€™t pass up an average speed reviver.

Some of these heroes are very tempting. Since I already have Anne and Cupido, they are off the table, makes my decision a bit easier.

This round of SE makes the previous two almost laughable in terms of hero quality, glad I sat to it both.


My tip of the day

Donā€™t fire Lord Loki at enemies who are under Bubbles mindless attack



great tip. I made that mistake once, never again lol


This ninja gonna be a great hero to pair with your Arco. If he is only 10 I will consider taking him too.



Between you and I Iā€™ve made the mistake more than once.

Donā€™t tell anyone, I have a reputation!ā€¦ā€¦


Donā€™t get me wrong, I love to talk shop. I want more people around me to play to share in my ultra excitement of a new high titan score or understand why I want to chuck my phone in the bin during war lately. :sweat_smile:

So I love hero discussions and ā€œwhat ifā€™sā€ - I just want to verify info for my alliance and the FB group I admin in. I donā€™t want to spread anything incorrect. Especially something like this, where someone is dependent on maybe a specific cost. I know people will always speculate and even if we all wrote ā€œthis is my educated guessā€ that will get overlooked. Stuff happens.

I just always want to make sure Iā€™m updating with the most relevant and reliable information. Thank you everyone for the help.

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surprised Xiaotu isnt getting more buzz, considering how unique he is and how hard he hits, i was all set on Bubbles or Cupido, till someone pointed me into thinking about the bunnyā€¦ and he may be in the rarest portal


That someone could be me. I have a 2LB Waddles, who was my staple in raids (3000cups and above), went out of commission pretty fast because of 3 things.

  • Hathor - Prevalent almost in all defense. So, she fires Waddles is useless unless a dispeller is ready.
  • Toons - Toons by default block everything almost always
  • Class - Cleric, Monk by default block almost all the time in defense.
    But i have enjoyed Waddles take out the mana of an entire team in a single shot with the mindless too. It is just that it is extremely reliable.
    I love mana control, the exact reason why I am taking Cupido. All the above applies to Cupido too. But with 3 targets I can time the hit better and hope it sticks.