[Master] -- đŸ‘» Soul Exchange

i am skeptical they put in any of the mighty pets, Luna is one of the most sought after heroes in the game and they have to have others to feature with her

They do, but that won’t make any difference? If people want her they’ll pull anyway.


@vanZille is right. Max might be in, maybe Bubbles. They’re older and not as efficient as newer ones. It IS unlikely, but Furdinand aside, they’re not as desirable as others.


that’s very true. how long has the mighty pets portal been around?

It’s been over a year now.

He’s borderline 15, like
 You’d want to really have him. 10 I’d take him IF there wasn’t anyone else, not for 15 though
 Too much.

His stats don’t make him relevant outside of titans, even then he wasn’t all that relevant anyway imo due to his ancient health having to be higher mechanic, which is why Oceanus is much better and not just a titan hero, I’ve been using mine in my main team for pretty much everything since he came out, raids, maps, quests, events, etc - going back to tiles without him feels wrong, and borderline unplayable.


They can easily put Luna with Snowball and Hachiko and it will be one of the most money generating portals before they say goodby to mighty pets :slight_smile:

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You could always resist firing the special til needed :grinning:

Luna Snowball Barkley might top that

My wish is a top (for me) red hero. LB 2 material. It does not have to be brand new although I happily accept a surprise.

Ruby, C.Black Knight, Hathor and I am all in for 20.


I need a Dark healer or Nature hero that deals damage. Either would change a ton for me. Diochan would be a dream come true.

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Miki looks interesting to me only as a very, very nice red titan hero. Even for 10 heroes he would not be my first choice since he would have to compete against 10 heroes for 15 and 20 souls and only one of them would need to look like he will make a bigger impact on my game play than Miki.

I wish for Phenexa for 15 heroes and Becky for 20 heroes, simply because they changed my game play so much and I would like others to enjoy them as well. If you have Ludwig, you’ll find out that he and Phenexa were made for each other.
Becky is phenomenal for raid and any PvE, especially if you also happen to have Ludwig and Phenexa in the team. :heart_eyes:


I’d happily take phenexa
 But i don’t think we will see any bards.


I see what you say. I’m using Darkfeather who’s not even leveled and it’s a game changer

I would like as well that most of the players could get one or two game changers

The raids would be a pain but


A change to the soul exchange that i don’t think would be too unreasonable.
The soul you receive is at 4-80.
I have taken part in every exchange and for the most part each one sits at 1-1 (the highest is 3-70). Not because i made a poor choice but simply there are better heros to level. Heck for the most part there are better 4 stars.
These heros are already outdated and let’s be honest the ones who can afford to part ways with 20 aren’t really concerned with year old heros.


4/80 would be great. But as for those who have 20 not concerned with a year old hero. There could be one that has been elusive they really want. Yes many are semi to outdated, but they may fill a niche or like I said make a player happy to finally get them. I chased lotl for quite awhile and when she came up, even though 15 souls, I didn’t think twice and took her.

It take Time for a f2p to get 20 soul
 But Every 9month I Can have one héro which for me IS a game changer
 And for me materials to ascend any color héro IS not a problem at all

So I would prefer to see better hero for 10 and 15 soul than to get a 4/80 héro


I think I have decided which 2 heroes i want from the upcoming se, ursena and costume and one of the 5* goblins but not kettle. I have more than 35 5* heroes I don’t want so I think I should be able trade in for 2.

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But if it is like every se before, you can only trade for 1

Goblins won’t be in this se either
 Not sure if he’s trolling or just new.