The point is not to win at all costs, but to have a good time, so you must ask yourself what counts as fun for you: easy wins or hard battles. Than you have your answer. If easy wins is what you seek, there’s always platinum, gold etc.
No that’s not the point. Lower arenas don’t offer as good of rewards. The fact is you have about an 80% chance of beating a team of lower power (because of bad boards or dumb luck they can still win), but only about a 20% chance of beating a higher powered team. The object is to fill chests as fast as possible so you can get an elemental chest quicker which has the best rewards. Taking on higher powered teams takes much longer. Why beat your head against a wall when you don’t need to, just reroll a few times and your game will go much faster.
So far, the boards of friendly attacks were full of tiles i need. I don’t think it is very comparable to war or PVP matches.
An ally colleague wanted to check his war defense and asked to attack him. All of us, who attacked him won the match. I even attacked him with 4*s only and won.
We’ve got a separate thread for this speculation.
No actual data as of yet…which is a familiar theme with theories about tile colours…but maybe someone will post some soon?
Can you link the thread please?
I believe there are different algorithms for friendly matches, PVP and war, which is ok.
It can be observed that you win PVP, if you are low on cups, and lose if you are high, e.g. 2700+, depending on your defense team. Since there are no cups in friendly matches, the algorithm works differently
I have had the same except on 2, where I had 0 colours I needed (Mono red).
It seems to be the same from other’s in my alliance too, it was noted by @Gregor.Jax (I think). And it definitely does seem to be a theme. I have used all flags to date and only lost 2.
I found it boring and useless. I did it for two day’s after that really have no will to attack. I see people like it, I say good for you.
Sorry, added it now above
I don’t understand why it is limited to 5 flags a day. If members are playing the game and testing out their teammates… it doesn’t cost SG anything and it can only serve to spur on interest in building a better team (more $$$ for SG). Why not make Friendly Battles unlimited play?
Exactly this. I’m using my flags trying to beat my alliance friends with only 3* teams.
My best TP difference so far is 1650. You’d never try and raid defences like that with 3* teams in normal raids or wars so being able to do with no risks is highly enjoyable.
Love this feature! I’m glad that the system message in chat was removed. I agree that would be annoying and could promote negativity. I agree with others though that it would be nice to have some form of tracking. Mostly because I feel like my teammates who aren’t on Line are left out. We’re trying to comment in chat for them but it then circles back to the concerns surrounding the system message.
I also think that there should be a flag counter. I’m out of flags and can’t buy more… but have no idea when my ‘natural’ flags reset!
Lastly… placement of the battle button so close to the ‘kick’ button is a fat finger moment waiting to happen. I hope that they rethink that down the line.
Overall great addition!
Yup. 20 practice raids over 4 days. All with workable boards. Didn’t lose a single match and that lineup included Frigg BK Odin teams. Most didn’t even reach the 2 minute mark.
Same with the posted matches vs my team. What can one really learn from raids where the tank is taken out by tiles in the first 2 or 3 moves?
Edit: FBO defeated in just over a minute. Wish I could get these boards for real.
And here’s where I thought - gee the boards are so good, might as well try it with 3!
That’s insignificant. Loot is random.
That statement is just wrong on all levels. Nothing further from the trurh. Team power is insignificant in battle. Ask any hardened player. What mattets are the heroes you take to the battlefield and the board you get.
Once again, the objective is to have fun. If for you getting an elemental chest is the fun, lower arenas will allow you to get them a lot faster.
I think it will be a great way to test Hero’s abilities. I like the idea!
Of course they do. Lower arenas will allow you to win all your raids, therefore, faster fill your chests, therefore, faster get your precious elemental chests. And spare you some re-rolls in the process… unless you’ll feel like re-rolling there as well…
But of course you are… one with a 20% chance to win against a higher TP team and that thinks elemental chests are the pinnacle of creation . News flash, there’s more to this game than elemental chests frequency… like learning how to increase those 20% chance against a higher TP team. Why don’t you do some research on that?
I think that spectator mode would require a major rewrite as battles are conducted locally on your phone. As proof, look at what happens when you win a raid but are disconnected before communicating with the server. You get a zero. And yes, I have had it happen to me. Having the battles take place locally saves a lot on bandwidth, but means others can’t eavesdrop.
I think best you could hope for without the major rewrite would be a playback mode. The phone downloads the battle to the server along with the results, which makes it available for a limited period of time. I am not sure how involved implementing that would be.
I probably beat 4700+ teams 20% of the time now with my 4200+ TP raid attack teams.
Thank you for listening to the players and implementing the friendly battles in the alliance. We have videoed them and shared to line so we can all see how our defense looks in action. This is by far one of the most helpful features the game has implemented. Once again, thank you!
Agree, very good feature!
Not only you can test different defense between friends, but also to test other things when you have several accounts.
Probability it will be developed further on.
Happy gaming
This is the best feature that SGG has added in a long time.