🔵 [Master Discussion] -- Trials of Survival - Guide, Sharing & Discussion

Did you make a thread? If you did, a link would be sweet. :slightly_smiling_face:

I think it’ll be in my case. For the trial of tomorrow (piety) there are just 4 options (Rigard, Boril, Li xiu and Wu Kong). Maybe it’s such a restrictive condition.:sweat_smile:


It was easier than the serenity trial although the final bosses dodged my attacks so many times.

I had nice boards that helped me so much. First, I focused on Kashgar and then I used one time stop and one titan shield to give Azlar and Scarlett attacks back.

Trainer to Scarlett and the emblems will be saved.

Good luck and take care. :wink:

PS: I close the circle with this challenge that @Muchacho just mentioned in the last trial of piety. Maybe I’ll create a topic sharing my thoughts about it.


Took this chucked the shark out for zocc used a some health and antidote.

Rouge in storage, barbarian I’m gonna spread out out a bit. Trainer yang mai


Team Last Time

Team This Time

No change, good to have costume on Grimm, Grimm CB is not yet maxed…


Not all mana ready… but decent board with blues…

Very Fast fight… no items used.


Barbarian maybe for Frank or 2nd Grimm, Rogue has many compate heroes, and has many in stocks,… planning for PiB+8 (mana node), Francine+18 (att path), and the rest maybe for Griffin (still testing), and maybe some for Saphhire, Brynhild.
Trainer keep for now, still leveling 2nd Scarlett Costume which is no need 3* Trainer.


Same team lol

You know the Most Frustrating thing about the trials is the bloody board Clearing all the tiles you set up on the last move before the Boss fight!

Found a gem but didnt need it in the end
Saving all loot


You idiot :man_facepalming::man_facepalming: thats TWO different teams youve posted ya wolly :rofl::rofl::rofl:

2nd team

Start of last 2 scroll up :rofl:

End of 1st 2 scroll up :rofl:
A bit sleepy :sleeping::sleeping:
Saving loot


For this trial quest, I replaced Scarlett and Kelile with two 4* Season 4 heroes, Griffin and Zila Lei. I like their Underwild gem family bonus, hahaha!

However, given the limited number of available healers in the Rogue and Barbarian classes, I had to use battle items to complete this trial quest.

The Barbarian emblems would go to my Garjammal, who is now on her final ascension (4/22, so far), once she is fully leveled. I already used the Rogue emblems on Griffin, who has now +10 talents on attack path - his attack stats at this talent level is now over 800.


New month new team for the trial. Malosi out, Frosty mid-emblemed in. With three blue stacking, i needed just a bunch of tiles to get rid of the bosses.
Everything saved for now, GM will eat the barbarian emblems when enough.
Trainer to falcon


Kage no emblems, Black Knight +16, Marjana +19, Grimm +1, Frosty no emblems

Had nothing but yellow and green tiles at start of boss level and that stayed pretty consistent. Did not end up having to nuke the bosses but did use lots of healing potions, could not get blue tiles to charge Frosty. It was a really long fight with minimal good tiles. Fortunately whenever I could manage to charge BK, he kept most everyone alive. Lost Grimm early. First time I haven’t had to nuke the bosses on this one.

Trainer went to Gormek, rogue went to Marj to take her to 20, and barbarian went to Kage to open his talent.


2 3* heroes: frosty and nordi. Combined with grimm+18,brynhild+18 and Jott+15

Had a blue diamond ready to be formed at the start of the bosslevel; finished in 3 turns.


A lot of players use Frosty for this trial. I guess it is because of lack of healers in rouge and barbarian classes.

exact same team as last time, no change:

Frosty - Nordri +9 - Scarlett +20 - Gormek +1 - Grimm +1

the result:

a little bit more difficult than last time because blue tiles dried up during the boss fight until right at the end. Super mana to Frosty for healing, time stop to prevent Azlar from firing the first time, two super antidotes, one to cure Scarlett’s debuff at a crucial moment when the blue tiles finally returned, and another to cure Azlar’s burn because at the end i just let him fire but it was only a couple moves from being over at that point, probably didn’t need to use it.

Frosty is key because he’s one of the only healers you can bring, plus he adds blue tile power and the minions are like extra healing. going into the boss fight with a full set of minions on everyone really helps. he helps on the Trials of Shadows too.

Trainer to BT #2 or Yang Mai, Rogues to Griffin maybe, Barbarians to Gormek or Grimm some time when i’m not short on iron and food, which seems like all the time these days.


My team this time:

Domitia +18
Marjana +19
Grimm +c20
Little John +20
Brynhild +19

Marjana is up 1 talent. That’s it.

Wave 4 picked on Domitia an awful lot, so I had to use a few health potions. Same in the boss wave, but nothing extravagant. Kept Azlar from firing; that’s always job 1. Brynhild blunted Nashgar’s hit, per usual, and Scarlett’s awful defense made short work of her. If I get enough green tiles to recharge and re-fire LJ, as I did this time, I can usually keep the bosses from firing enough to matter. Done and dusted.

Not enough rogue emblems for Scarlett’s next node. Barbarian emblems saved for Gretel, who I will finish soon. Still without a red project, so the trainer goes to Hansel.

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Team: Grimm+18 | cGrimm+0 | cRichard+0 | Gravey+20 | Malosi+0

No words needed, just look at these two screenshots for yourself:

(I had already fired all my specials in the first picture)

Before and after pics, literally the only thing I did in between was pop the blue diamond. Why can’t I get these boards during raids/wars/tournaments?! :triumph:


Same team as last time miki has some bling on him now… Went better then last time used some small health.

Emblems in storage trainer horguall.


My team this time:

Domitia +18
Marjana +19
Grimm +c20
Little John +20
Brynhild +19

Absolutely no changes from last time.

Tried to be liberal in my use of specials to get through the mobs with as little damage as possible, which generally worked. Entered the boss wave with all specials charged and a green diamond on the board. Was able to eliminate Azlar pretty quickly, which is always job one on this trial. LJ kept mana more or less under control, but with Nashgar and Scarlett both having fast mana, they still both fired, leaving Marjana in rough shape and out of range of Brynhild’s heal. The fight was going pretty well by then, though, so I just soldiered on, let Marjana go, and finished without using items.

Rogue emblems net two talents for Scarlett. Just short of barbarian emblems for Stonecleave’s next talent. Trainer hero to Yang Mai.


Frosty+18/Nordi+18 (yes: 2 3*, as my only other allowed healer is brynhild, and she does only 3)/ grimm+18/Jott+15/Scarlett+18 (+CB). Board was cooperative, finished easily.


That’s a nasty blue punch right there! It had better be, though, with all those glass cannons.

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